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三民網路書店 / 搜尋結果

作者:華安瀾(Alan Wachman)  出版社:臺大出版中心  出版日:2023/12/14 裝訂:平裝
為什麼只有臺灣是「中國不可分割的領土」?為什麼只有臺灣值得中國終須一戰?為什麼只有臺灣對中國至關重要? 從大清王朝、中華民國到中華人民共和國,臺灣在中國近代數百年來政權的地位經常隨著種種因素而變動,其中最主要的是中國與外部強權的關係,並始終觸發中國領導人「必須控制臺灣才能保障中國大陸安全」的焦慮。 作者認為,中華人民共和國將臺灣納入「想像地理」的一部分,且決心併入臺灣的理路並非出自意識型態,而是根植於視臺灣為中國安全保障之樞紐的確信。本書運用多種史料,包括歷史檔案、政府宣言,以及中華人民共和國分析員和西方學者的各方論著,以追溯中國對臺灣考量的演變過程。首要目標為解釋北京方面何以認為臺灣值得一戰,次要目標是要把中國的軍事化戰略置入歷史脈絡中。第三個重要特點,則是若不考量地緣政治及1949年以前歷史的效應,就無法正確認知臺海紛爭的當前階段。 ★ 美國戴維森學院東亞政治學教授 任雪麗(Shelley Rigger)|專文導讀
定價:520 元, 優惠價:9 468
作者:蘭天律師  出版社:印刻  出版日:2023/05/08 裝訂:平裝
李道明|國立臺北藝術大學電影創作學系名譽教授黃亞歷|《日曜日式散步者》導演熊儒賢|野火樂集 Wild Fire Music, Taiwan 總監——專文推薦「為什麼奧運用了我的歌卻沒告訴我?」「奧運會侵權了嗎?」〈歡樂飲酒歌〉一曲在台東阿美族群傳唱已久,但走出部落罕為人知。因為樂音歌聲採集,進而被國外樂團盜用,後遭奧委會作為宣傳曲。對演唱者來說,登上奧運殿堂讓部落音樂被世界聽見原是可喜,然而也憂慮為何權益不受重視?蘭天律師回憶當年這場跨國訴訟案,從侵權事件爆發到決定訴訟,從台灣發聲到訴諸國際媒體的整個過程,而這場國際訴訟案更催生出「原住民族傳統智慧創作保護條例」,增訂著作權法保障表演著作的立法例。全書以中/英文梳理案件,還原事實,交代侵權責任,以正視聽。‘’Why does the Olympics use my voice without telling me?’’Since Difang Duana heard the Olympics music on the radio and immediately recognized it was his voice in the background. And started this three-year international copyright infringement litigation.“Elders Drinking Song”, this Amis song, has been passed down for centuries but is rarely known outside. In the beginning, a professor in Ethnomusicology discovered this song during his fieldwork on folk music. Then a foreign band sampled the song into a new song composition and was chosen as the Atlanta Olympics promo song. For the singers, it was gratifying to be heard in the Olympics and let tribal music be kn
定價:400 元, 優惠價:9 360
課本沒教的台灣華語句型50【全新修訂版】 Taiwan Mandarin: 50 Patterns Not in Your Textbook(隨書附名師親錄台灣華語朗讀音檔QR Code)
作者:蔡佩庭  出版社:瑞蘭國際  出版日:2023/06/21 裝訂:平裝
Do you sometimes feel your expressions too formal despite having no problem communicating in Mandarin with Taiwanese? 你是優秀的華語教師, 在尋找更貼近台灣人口語的華語教材? 你在找的就是《課本沒教的台灣華語句型50》! ★適讀程度 適合相當於台灣華語文能力測驗(TOCFL)基礎級、歐洲共同語文參考架構(CEFR)A2級程度之課堂或自學生使用。 ★5個單元 X 50個句型 本書精選台灣華語中的50個口語句型及詞彙,依主題分類成5大單元,並以中英雙語介紹。這些所選句型及詞彙不限於學術界所定義「規範的台灣國語」,不一定收錄於一般中文教科書中,卻是在台灣使用最頻繁、道地的華語,適合基礎級以上的中文學習者,進一步認識台灣華語及台灣文化。 第一單元:台灣華語句式Part I: Taiwan Mandarin Sentence Patterns 第二單元:語氣助詞 Part II: Modal Particles 第三單元:流行語句型 Part III: Catch Phrase Patterns 第四單元:台語詞彙 Part IV: Taiwanese Morphemes 第五單元:外來語詞彙Part V: Loan Morphemes ★5大步驟 X 2大學習工具 本書用5大步驟帶領讀者學習50個句型,每個步驟皆以中英雙語呈現,並輔以「練習」及「音檔」2大學習工具,讀者可與5大步驟搭配學習,效果更加。 ★全書50個句型皆以下列步驟呈現: .步驟1:情境例句╱原文例句 情境例句是用對話的方式呈現句型,模擬真實使用情況。唯「第三單元:流行語句型」收錄該流行語句型中,最先開始廣泛使用的原始句子。 例: A:你怎麼還在用不能上網的手機啊? B:就沒有需要「咩」。反正在家、在辦公室都可以上網。 A: Why are you still using a phone that doesn’t have internet access? B: There is no need for that. I can access the internet at home and at the office anyway. .步驟2:句型╱結構說明 句型╱結構說明
定價:480 元, 優惠價:9 432
Kotlin Collection全方位解析攻略 : 精通原理及實戰,寫出流暢好維護的程式(iT邦幫忙鐵人賽系列書)
作者:范聖佑  出版社:博碩文化  出版日:2022/07/04 裝訂:平裝
本書內容改編自第 12 屆 iT 邦幫忙鐵人賽 Software Development 組佳作網站系列文章 《新手也能懂的 Kotlin Collection 賞玩門道》 集合(Collection)是各程式語言裡常見的資料類別,在 Kotlin 裡共有 Array、List、Set 及 Map 四種,在標準函式庫裡提供一系列設計精妙的集合 API,若能好好運用,可以減少很多重複冗長的工作,對操作資料有很大的幫助。本書專為 Kotlin 開發者設計,透過技法、心法、實戰三部份,系統化的解釋 Kotlin 集合的原理、功能及應用,是一本 Kotlin 開發者桌上必備的工具書。 書籍特色 技法: 依不同目的及特性將 Kotlin 集合分類,綜覽超過 200 個方法,搭配範例程式碼及速查地圖,豐富讀者對操作技法的認識。 心法: 要掌握 Kotlin 集合,除了要精通語法外,也需通曉實作原理。書中透過閱讀標準函式庫的原始碼,陸續討論語法設計、命名邏輯及組合技等心法。 實戰: 只有理論是不夠的,唯有搭配實戰才能將知識落實在日常任務裡。透過情境解題,綜合運用集合的功能來面對各種資料處理情境,活用從心法與技法學到的知識。 專業推薦 作者以《技法》、《心法》以及《實戰》三大篇幅來帶領讀者瞭解 Kotlin Collections 的 What、Why、以及 How,協助 Kotlin 開發人員融會貫通,信手捻來高表達力且高品質的程式碼。 ── 上官林傑(Eric) Google 全球開發者計劃台灣香港及南亞區經理 無論你是新手或是老手,Kotlin 都值得一學,而 Collection 是日常處理各式各樣 Flow 的重要角色。本書透過合理的難易度安排,除了能像工具書使用外,也用更高的角度去觀察 Kotlin Collections 站在 Java Collections 巨人肩上的設計巧思。 ── 黃健旻(Vincent) Google 官方認證 Kotlin 技術專家 本書從不同角度,深入剖析 Kotlin Collection 的各種細節,處處都值得參考及研究。讀者在閱讀後,不只能學到 Collection 的用法,還可以感受到 Kotlin 設計的思考脈絡,以另一種視角享受寫程式的樂趣。 ── 趙家笙(Recca) Taiwan Kotlin User Group 主辦人
定價:680 元, 優惠價:9 612
Chip War: The Fight for the World’s Most Critical Technology
作者:Chris Miller  出版社:Scribner  出版日:2022/10/04 裝訂:平裝
You may be surprised to learn that microchips are the new oil—the scarce resource on which the modern world depends. Today, military, economic, and geopolitical power are built on a foundation of computer chips. Virtually everything—from missiles to microwaves—runs on chips, including cars, smartphones, the stock market, even the electric grid. Until recently, America designed and built the fastest chips and maintained its lead as the #1 superpower, but America’s edge is in danger of slipping, undermined by players in Taiwan, Korea, and Europe taking over manufacturing. Now, as Chip War reveals, China, which spends more on chips than any other product, is pouring billions into a chip-building initiative to catch up to the US. At stake is America’s military superiority and economic prosperity.Economic historian Chris Miller explains how the technology works and why it’s so important, recounting the fascinating events that led to the United States perfecting the chip design, and to Ameri
定價:630 元, 優惠價:79 498
Michael Vey #4: Hunt for Jade Dragon (平裝本)
作者:Richard Paul Evans  出版社:Simon & Schuster  出版日:2015/05/05 裝訂:平裝
Michael and his friends must rescue a child prodigy as the thrilling action continues in this electrifying fourth installment of theNew York Times bestselling series!Michael, Taylor, Ostin and the rest of the Electroclan head to China in search of a girl who may have discovered why Michael and his friends became electric. Her name is Lin Julung, or Jade Dragon, and she’s a child prodigy with an IQ higher than Einstein’s—and Ostin’s.But Hatch gets to her first, and the Elgen are holding her prisoner in their Taiwan Starxource plant. Now the Voice wants Michael and the Electroclan to go to Taiwan and free her before Hatch can realize his dreams of an army of electric children.The hunt for Jade Dragon is on, and it’s a race against time!
定價:455 元, 優惠價:79 359
Why Taiwan?
作者:Alan M. Wachman  出版社:Singapore Univ Pr  出版日:2008/06/30 裝訂:平裝
定價:1200 元, 優惠價:9 1080
Why Taiwan Matters ─ Small Island, Global Powerhouse
作者:Shelley Rigger  出版社:Rowman & Littlefield Intl  出版日:2013/10/09 裝訂:平裝
Written by a leading expert on Taiwan, Why Taiwan Matters offers a comprehensive and engaging introduction to a country that exercises a role in the world far greater than its tiny size would indicate
定價:2200 元, 優惠價:9 1980
Why Taiwan Matters ─ Small Island, Global Powerhouse
作者:Shelley Rigger  出版社:Rowman & Littlefield Pub Inc  出版日:2011/04/29 裝訂:精裝
Written by a leading expert on Taiwan, Why Taiwan Matters offers a comprehensive and engaging introduction to a country that exercises a role in the world far greater than its tiny size would indicate
Why Taiwan?: Geostrategic Rationales for China's Territorial Integrity
作者:Alan M. Wachman  出版社:Stanford Univ Pr  出版日:2007/08/01 裝訂:精裝
Why has the PRC been so determined that Taiwan be part of China? Why, since the 1990s, has Beijing been feverishly developing means to prevail in combat with the U.S. over Taiwan's status? Why is T
Why Taiwan? ─ Geostrategic Rationales for China's Territorial Integrity
作者:Alan M. Wachman  出版社:Stanford Univ Pr  出版日:2007/08/01 裝訂:平裝
Why has the PRC been so determined that Taiwan be part of China? Why, since the 1990s, has Beijing been feverishly developing means to prevail in combat with the U.S. over Taiwan's status? Why is T
定價:1050 元, 優惠價:1 1050
Sun Tzu and the Rise of China: Why Taiwan Is Being Forced Back to the Mainland, the Fall of Hong Kong and Other Collected Essays
作者:Southern Jameson West  出版社:PARTRIDGE PUB SINGAPORE  出版日:2020/12/30 裝訂:平裝
定價:809 元, 優惠價:1 809
作者:張保羅  出版社:PAUL LEJOY  出版日:2000/08/01
What Deters and Why: The State of Deterrence in Korea and the Taiwan Strait
作者:Michael J. Mazarr  出版社:Rand Corp  出版日:2021/05/30 裝訂:平裝
定價:1325 元, 優惠價:1 1325
Taiwan Cinema as Soft Power: Authorship, Transnationality, Historiography
作者:Song Hwee Lim  出版社:Oxford Univ Pr  出版日:2021/12/17 裝訂:平裝
Why has Taiwanese film been so appealing to film directors, critics, and audiences across the world? This book argues that because Taiwan is a nation without hard political and economic power, cinema becomes a form of soft power tool that Taiwan uses to attract global attention, to gainsupport, and to build allies. Author Song Hwee Lim shows how this goal has been achieved by Taiwanese directors whose films win the hearts and minds of foreign audiences to make Taiwan a major force in world cinema. The book maps Taiwan's cinematic output in the twenty-first century through the three keywords in the book's subtitle-authorship, transnationality, historiography. Its object of analysis is the legacy of Taiwan New Cinema, a movement that begun in the early 1980s that has had a lasting impact uponfilmmakers and cinephiles worldwide for nearly forty years. By examining case studies that include Hou Hsiao-hsien, Ang Lee, and Tsai Ming-liang, this book suggests that authorship is central to Taiw
定價:2331 元, 優惠價:9 2098
Private Law in China and Taiwan ― Legal and Economic Analyses
作者:Yun-chien Chang  出版社:Cambridge Univ Pr  出版日:2016/12/31 裝訂:精裝
Past research and literature suggest that legal institutions drive economic development. Yet China has grown for decades without the fundamental legal infrastructure that was once considered necessary. This is called the 'China puzzle' or the 'China myth'. By carefully comparing the four key branches of private law in China and Taiwan - a jurisdiction that grew with modest legal institutions and shares similar legal and non-legal culture - this collaborative and novel book demystifies the 'China puzzle'. Top scholars in the field use an economics-focused analytical approach to explain how and why the laws have taken such paths over the past four decades. Comparing property, contract, tort, and corporate laws in China and Taiwan, these authors delve deeply into key doctrines to provide a meaningful account of the evolution of private law in these two jurisdictions.
Democracy, Inequality and Corruption ─ Korea, Taiwan and the Philippines Compared
作者:Jong-sung You  出版社:Cambridge Univ Pr  出版日:2014/12/31 裝訂:精裝
In this comparative, historical survey of three East Asian democracies, Jong-sung You explores the correlation between inequality and corruption in the countries of South Korea, Taiwan and the Philippines. Drawing on a wealth of rich empirical research, he illustrates the ways in which economic inequality can undermine democratic accountability, thereby increasing the risk of clientelism and capture. Transcending the scope of corruption research beyond economic growth, this book surveys why some countries, like the Philippines, have failed to curb corruption and develop, whilst others such as South Korea and Taiwan have been more successful. Taking into account factors such as the success and failure of land reform, variations in social structure, and industrial policy, Jong-sung You provides a sound example of how comparative analysis can be employed to identify causal direction and mechanisms in political science.
Democracy, Inequality and Corruption ─ Korea, Taiwan and the Philippines Compared
作者:Jong-sung You  出版社:Cambridge Univ Pr  出版日:2016/09/01 裝訂:平裝
In this comparative, historical survey of three East Asian democracies, Jong-sung You explores the correlation between inequality and corruption in the countries of South Korea, Taiwan and the Philippines. Drawing on a wealth of rich empirical research, he illustrates the ways in which economic inequality can undermine democratic accountability, thereby increasing the risk of clientelism and capture. Transcending the scope of corruption research beyond economic growth, this book surveys why some countries, like the Philippines, have failed to curb corruption and develop, whilst others such as South Korea and Taiwan have been more successful. Taking into account factors such as the success and failure of land reform, variations in social structure, and industrial policy, Jong-sung You provides a sound example of how comparative analysis can be employed to identify causal direction and mechanisms in political science.
定價:1559 元, 優惠價:9 1403
Private Law in China and Taiwan ― Legal and Economic Analyses
作者:Yun-chien Chang  出版社:Cambridge Univ Pr  出版日:2018/08/16 裝訂:平裝
Past research and literature suggest that legal institutions drive economic development. Yet China has grown for decades without the fundamental legal infrastructure that was once considered necessary. This is called the 'China puzzle' or the 'China myth'. By carefully comparing the four key branches of private law in China and Taiwan - a jurisdiction that grew with modest legal institutions and shares similar legal and non-legal culture - this collaborative and novel book demystifies the 'China puzzle'. Top scholars in the field use an economics-focused analytical approach to explain how and why the laws have taken such paths over the past four decades. Comparing property, contract, tort, and corporate laws in China and Taiwan, these authors delve deeply into key doctrines to provide a meaningful account of the evolution of private law in these two jurisdictions.
定價:1739 元, 優惠價:9 1565
William Lai: Meet the Man Who Spooked China, Everything You Need To Know About The Newly-Elected Taiwan President And Why He Is Lab
作者:Daily Source  出版社:Independently published  出版日:2024/01/13 裝訂:平裝
定價:520 元, 優惠價:1 520
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