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三民網路書店 / 搜尋結果

作者:肥志  出版社:野人文化  出版日:2022/09/28 裝訂:平裝
神喵出沒注意!奴才們,本喵把歷史變簡單了,還不叩謝皇恩?本套書收錄1-9集。可愛漫畫附上參考典籍,沒有亂編,全部都源自文獻!精彩附錄解說,輕鬆漫畫中學到有趣歷史,舒壓、學習兩不誤! ★ 如果歷史是一群喵(1):夏商周【萌貓漫畫學歷史】 詼諧幽默又通俗,講述夏商西周多個時期的歷史故事,比如開天闢地、大禹治水、商湯滅夏、周公治國等無數人熟悉的橋段。在《如果歷史是一群喵(1):夏商周》中,十二隻激萌貓貓化身歷史人物,搭配可愛現代的語言,重新讓你體會歷史的魅力。 ★如果歷史是一群喵(2):春秋戰國篇【萌貓漫畫學歷史】 無敵混亂的春秋戰國,看十二隻喵如何爆笑演繹! 尊王攘夷這一策略,到底是讓桓公喵成為周王的真愛粉還是黑粉? 其他喵為了稱霸都勤勤懇懇,只有楚莊喵教你當隻肥宅都能成就霸業! 闔閭喵威震東南,原想繼續稱霸中原,直到他的XX中了一箭? 勾踐喵能稱霸,是因為他膝蓋軟Q,時不時就跪下唱征服? 始皇喵霸氣外漏/側漏/想怎麼漏就怎麼漏,卻無法阻擋親媽天天上八卦周刊? 便當無數的大亂鬥時代,最終能成為喵喵on Top的到底是哪些喵? ★如果歷史是一群喵(3):秦楚兩漢篇【萌貓漫畫學歷史】 好不容易統一六國啦~~又分裂啦~~又統一啦~~打我啊笨蛋~~只要有貓貓在,沒有他們玩不亂的天下! 如何第一次造反就上手?陳勝喵本人表示相當緊張! 廢到不行的劉邦喵,又是如何讓名字超威的「西楚霸王」狗帶? 驚爆內幕!呂后喵原來是因為嫁了個渣男,才展開「大老婆的反擊」? 知人知面不知心!王莽喵明明是明君人設,沒想到切開來竟然是朵心機白蓮? ★如果歷史是一群喵(4):東漢末年篇【萌貓漫畫學歷史】 東漢的皇帝喵,好像命都不太長。外戚有點多,宦官有點強……吾輩喵民要自立自強! 十二隻戲精萌貓化身「梟雄練習生」,在東漢亂世中「揮灑血汗淚,力拚出道位!」 努力不會背叛你,來看宦官後代曹操的發家史! 一路穩坐出道名單的袁紹喵,為何在最後一刻掉隊!? 同是「梟雄練習生」的劉備喵,最後為何要跟曹操喵「解約單飛」? 有顏任性?顏值小霸王孫策喵,明明能靠臉吃飯,卻靠實力拿下江東! ★如果歷史是一群喵(5):亂世三國篇【萌貓漫畫學歷史】 東漢喵民日常問候:「大漢今天倒閉了嗎?」 影帝拚的是演技,英雄比的是氣長!紛紛亂亂的三國舞台,終結一切的是…
作者:肥志; 繪時光  出版社:野人文化  出版日:2023/01/12 裝訂:平裝
超複雜的歷史+國文就是要靠可愛小動物們來解救!快來跟歷史神喵還有包子臉孫悟空一起降伏考試大魔王!=====如果歷史是一群喵11:南宋金元篇【萌貓漫畫學歷史】=====神喵出沒注意!奴才們,本喵把歷史變簡單了,還不叩謝皇恩?「南宋金元篇」將繼續講述這一段中國歷史上多民族政權並立的混亂時期,在下半場的較量中,南宋、金朝、蒙古、西夏之間互相制衡但又融合共通。喵咪們將為大家簡明勾勒出這段精彩的歷史──曲折多難的南宋從靖康之變走向崖山之戰的敗亡命運;從成吉思汗到忽必烈,強大的草原民族征西伐東、南攻北戰,又將為世界帶來怎樣的格局變化?★可愛漫畫附上參考典籍,沒有亂編,全部都源自文獻!★精彩附錄解說,輕鬆漫畫中學到有趣歷史,舒壓、學習兩不誤!=====萌漫大話西遊記 (1)【 大聖鬧天宮•唐僧巧收徒】========★不用家長陪,自己就能讀!(難字有加注音)★★萌趣漫畫,再現西遊取經全貌!★★西遊小百科,拓展國學知識★★西遊小辭典,累積語文學習素材★★附贈西遊路線圖,了解十萬八千里曲折取經路★孫悟空跟唐三藏都變包子臉,豬八戒跟沙悟淨都變兩頭身可可愛愛取經團,一起朝西天前進!◎齊天大聖的法寶如意金箍棒,原來是敲竹槓來的?◎不只金箍棒!孫悟空從頭到腳+9裝備,都是龍王家族(不)友情提供?◎史上最狂面試!看我老孫先把地府大鬧一頓,玉帝就乖乖奉上天庭職位!◎史上最狂升遷!職位太小俺老孫不幹了,先高歌離席,再痛打同事一頓,直接換到看管蟠桃的爽缺!◎要離職的最大!我大鬧天宮,我吃光同事的零食(仙丹),我在佛祖的手上撒尿,就是要告訴全世界「我!不!幹!了!」打破傳統四格漫畫,採用動畫分鏡,用呆萌、詼諧的圖畫重現經典西遊記!輕鬆讀完孫悟空出世、大鬧天宮、被囚五行山、到結識唐三藏,並跟唐三藏一起收服豬八戒與沙悟淨的經過。本系列還新增了「西遊小百科」、「西遊小辭典」、「西遊小成語」等知識性內容,幫助讀者拓展國學知識,讓讀者在這趟萌趣西遊之旅中,有得玩又有得學!【閱讀關鍵與特色】✎適讀年齡:無注音(僅難字標示注音),適合9歲以上閱讀。✎學習領域:文學選讀、語文表達、專題閱讀與研究、國學常識✎核心素養:人際關係與團隊合作、系統思考與解決問題、身心素質與自我精進
定價:940 元, 優惠價:9 846
Stepping Stones
作者:Lucy Knisley  出版社:Random House Graphic  出版日:2020/05/05 裝訂:精裝
This contemporary middle-grade graphic novel about family and belonging from New York Times bestselling author Lucy Knisley is a perfect read for fans of Awkward and Be Prepared.Jen is used to not get
定價:735 元, 優惠價:79 581
Secret Coders 6 ― Monsters & Modules
作者:Gene Luen Yang; Mike Holmes (ILT)  出版社:First Second  出版日:2018/10/02 裝訂:精裝
From graphic novel superstar (and former computer programming teacher) and New York Times bestselling author Gene Luen Yang, Secret Coders: Modules & Monsters is the sixth and final volume in a wildly
Finders Creepers (Half Past Peculiar, Book 1)
作者:Derek Fridolfs  出版社:Scholastic  出版日:2020/07/02 裝訂:平裝
Meet the Fetch Twins and their menagerie of pets as they unlock a mysterious portal to limitless worlds in this one of a kind series from the New York Times bestselling graphic novel team of Dustin Ng
定價:875 元, 優惠價:79 691
The Last Kids on Earth: Thrilling Tales from the Tree House
作者:Max Brallier  出版社:Egmont UK  出版日:2021/04/15 裝訂:平裝
The first ever graphic novel in the New York Times bestselling The Last Kids on Earth series, now with over 5 million copies in print worldwide and an Emmy Award-winning Netflix Original series Includes SIX brand new Last Kids stories by Max Brallier, featuring full-colour artwork by Anoosha Syed, Xavier Bonet, Lorena Alvarez, Jay Cooper, Christopher Mitten and The Last Kids on Earth series illustrator Douglas Holgate! When a vicious monster attacks the tree house (rudely interrupting board game night!), our human heroes and their monster pals must decide who is brave enough to battle the beast alone. The only way to choose? An epic, end-of-the-world STORY SHOWDOWN! Jack launches into an epic, totally-heroic, super rad story of one of his many post-apocalyptic adventures. Soon, Quint, Dirk, June and Skaelka, and even Globlet regale the group with sometimes outrageous, often hilarious details of their action-packed escapades during the monster-zombie apocalypse.The challenge is on. Who
定價:494 元, 優惠價:75 370
InvestiGators Boxed Set: InvestiGators, Take the Plunge, and Off the Hock (精裝本)(共3本)
作者:John Patrick Green  出版社:First Second  出版日:2021/09/28 裝訂:盒裝
Don your vest and get case-cracking with this deluxe boxed-set edition of, InvestiGators, the New York Times-bestselling adventure series from John Patrick Green.The InvestiGators are on the case...and in a slipcase! This confidential box contains the first three adventures of the sewer-loving secret agents, Mango and Brash plus an exclusive poster! Uncover the mysteries behind why this New York Times-bestselling graphic novel series is both highly classified and hi-larious!Meet the InvestiGators. With their gadgets, know-how, and super-fast transportation system (they flush themselves down toilets to speed through the sewers!), Mango and Brash are the scourge of the super-villain landscape! As vest-wearing employees of the Special Undercover Investigation Teams, they solve all kinds of mysteries and frequently butt heads with their archnemesis: a former agent known as Crackerdile. Riddled with puns, potty humor, absurdism, and hilarious twists, InvestiGators is the perfect series for
定價:1049 元, 優惠價:79 829
Hilo's Out-of-this-world Set (#1-3) Boxed Set
作者:Judd Winick  出版社:Random House Childrens Books  出版日:2018/10/23 裝訂:精裝
Take off on a new adventure with the first ever Hilo box set and discover the action-packed New York Times Bestselling graphic novel series that kids (and their grownups) love! "A Total BLAST," says t
定價:1469 元, 優惠價:79 1161
作者:Brian Michael Bendis  出版社:Dark Horse Comics  出版日:2022/08/16 裝訂:平裝
Brian Michael Bendis, the New York Times bestselling, Peabody and multi-Eisner award-winning co-creator of Miles Morales, Naomi, Jessica Jones, and POWERS tells a modern noir tale of crime, greed, and double cross.A female bail agent, a low-level confidence man and his loose-cannon sidekick form an unlikely alliance to track down the ultimate score―a hidden stash of life-altering, untraceable mob cash.For this hard-luck trio, however, the old saying "more money, more problems" will prove to be disturbingly prophetic.This innovative crime story is part of a remarkable run of groundbreaking black-and-white graphic novels that launched Bendis’ legendary career.Collecting all of the original Jinx issues published by Caliber Press and Image Comics, this comprehensive trade paperback edition features an introduction by acclaimed comics creator David Mack and includes more than 60 pages of behind-the-scenes bonus material!
定價:875 元, 優惠價:79 691
Odd Is on Our Side
作者:Dean R. Koontz; Fred Van Lente; Queenie Chan (ILT)  出版社:Del Rey  出版日:2010/10/05 裝訂:平裝
When things get scary, it’s nice to know that Odd is on our side.?The one and only Odd Thomas is back—in his second edgy and enthralling graphic-novel adventure from #1 New York Times bestselling susp
定價:525 元, 優惠價:79 415
In Odd We Trust
作者:Dean R. Koontz; Queenie Chan  出版社:Del Rey  出版日:2008/06/24 裝訂:平裝
“Meet a young man named Odd . . . who helps the dead get even."From the infinite imagination of #1 New York Times bestselling author Dean Koontz comes the suspenseful graphic-novel debut of a natural-
定價:525 元, 優惠價:79 415
Mind MGMT Omnibus Part 2
作者:Matt Kindt  出版社:Dark Horse Comics  出版日:2019/06/18 裝訂:平裝
From New York Times bestselling and Harvey award-winning graphic novelist Matt Kindt comes a globe-spanning tale of espionage, top-secret government programs, conspiracy, and weaponized amnesia.Meru's
定價:1050 元, 優惠價:79 830
Babymouse 14 ─ Mad Scientist
作者:Jennifer L. Holm; Matt Holm  出版社:Random House Childrens Books  出版日:2011/05/10 裝訂:平裝
NEW YORK TIMES bestselling and Newbery Honor winning author Jennifer Holm teams up with Matthew Holm to bring you a fully illustrated graphic novel series packed with humor and kid appeal—BABYMOUSE!
定價:280 元, 優惠價:79 221
作者:Tom Taylor  出版社:Razorbill  出版日:2022/08/30 裝訂:平裝
Neverland has become a war zone and it’s up to a new group of lost teens to set things right in this gritty young adult graphic novel series from #1 New York Times bestselling author Tom Taylor (Nightwing, Superman: Son of Kal-El, DCeased, Injustice) and powerhouse illustrator Jon Sommariva (Harley Quinn)!Bee and her fellow runaways are their own found family. So when a stranger named Paco saves her life, Bee invites him to join their crew, thinking he’s another lost teen. Someone else the world has overlooked. The truth is Paco’s not just a lost teen, he’s a Lost Boy from Neverland. And he needs Bee and the others to come back with him. When the group is then spirited away by a foul-mouthed Tinker Bell, they discover that Neverland is not some fun-filled hideaway. It's a war zone under siege by a horde of pirates with a merciless new leader who will stop at nothing to steal the land’s magic. Tink leads a fairy army that barely holds them at bay. Peter Pan is gone. And rest of the Lost
定價:595 元, 優惠價:79 470
The Batman Who Laughs
作者:Scott Snyder; Jock (ILT)  出版社:Dc Comics  出版日:2021/04/06 裝訂:平裝
A New York Times bestselling graphic novel!"A Batman who laughs is a Batman who always wins."He unleashed the Dark Multiverse in the epic series Dark Nights: Metal. Now superstar writer Scott Snyder r
Doom's Day Camp
作者:Joshua Hauke  出版社:Razorbill  出版日:2022/03/22 裝訂:平裝
“A hilarious postapocalyptic romp full of fun, misfits, and friendship! If you think your friends are oddballs, wait till you meet the kids at Doom’s Day Camp!” ―John Patrick Green, New York Times bestselling creator of the InvestiGators seriesThe Last Kids on Earth meets Miss Peregrine’s Home for Peculiar Children in this funny and adventurous middle grade graphic novel set in a world where everyone has unusual abilities except for a boy named Doom…who just might have to save them all.Doom Thorax is destined for greatness! Well, maybe…His dad is, after all, the fiercest apocalyptic warrior to ever walk what’s left of the earth. Unfortunately, in a world where the remaining humans (if you can still call them that) all have extraordinary abilities, Doom is painfully ordinary. In fact, the only thing even remotely special about him is that he is the one person in their whole pack who can read.When his dad leads the adults off to battle a mysterious new threat, Doom gets left in charge of
定價:455 元, 優惠價:79 359
Babymouse 18 ─ Happy Birthday, Babymouse
作者:Jennifer L. Holm; Matt Holm; Jennifer L. Holm (ILT); Matt Holm (ILT)  出版社:Random House Childrens Books  出版日:2014/04/22 裝訂:平裝
New York Times bestselling, three-time Newbery Honor-winning author Jennifer Holm teams up with Matthew Holm to bring you a fully illustrated, award-winning graphic novel series packed with humor and
定價:245 元, 優惠價:79 194
Agent 9: Flood-A-Geddon!
作者:James Burks  出版社:PBKRZORB  出版日:2021/03/16 裝訂:平裝
"Funny, adorable, and action-packed " --Kazu Kibuishi, #1 New York Times bestselling creator of the Amulet series From the creator of the Bird & Squirrel graphic novel series, comes this hilarious and action-packed new series which follows a feline secret agent who will do whatever it takes to save the world--even if it means destroying a few things along the way. The Super-Secret Spy Service's mission is to keep the world safe from maniacal villains. And Agent 9 is one of its best operatives. Although Nine always manages to complete the mission, there is occasionally some collateral damage (like the priceless Pigasso painting that was destroyed while foiling an art heist). So Agent 9 is now on probation. But when bumbling supervillain King Crab manages to overtake S4 headquarters, there is no one else to turn to. Nine--along with a robotic partner named FiN--is all that stands between King Crab and his diabolical plans to melt the polar ice caps and build a massive water park. Can
定價:455 元, 優惠價:79 359
A.D. ─ New Orleans After the Deluge
作者:Josh Neufeld  出版社:Pantheon Books  出版日:2010/08/24 裝訂:平裝
Now in paperback, The New York Times best-selling graphic nonfiction masterpiece depicting the lives of seven New Orleanians before, during, and just after Hurricane Katrina.?Best American Comics, 201
定價:630 元, 優惠價:79 498
Before Watchmen Omnibus
作者:Brian Azzarello; J. Michael Straczynski; Darwyn Cooke (ILT); Len Wein; Jae Lee (ILT)  出版社:Dc Comics  出版日:2018/12/24 裝訂:精裝
The New York Times best-selling prequels to the best-selling graphic novel Watchmen are collected together for the first time and in a special DC hardcover Omnibus!Takes a look at the world before the
定價:4375 元, 優惠價:79 3456
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