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三民網路書店 / 搜尋結果

Last Stop on Market Street (平裝本)
作者:Matt de la Pena  出版社:Puffin UK  出版日:2017/01/05 裝訂:平裝
"Sometimes when you're surrounded by dirt, CJ, you're a better witness for what's beautiful."CJ begins his weekly bus journey around the city with disappointment and dissatisfaction, wondering why he and his family can't drive a car like his friends. Through energy and encouragement, CJ's nana helps him see the beauty and fun in their routine.This beautifully illustrated, emotive picture book explores urban life with honesty, interest and gratitude.Last Stop on Market Street has won multiple awards and spent time at the number one spot in the New York Times Bestseller List."有時當你灰頭土臉時,CJ,你會比任何人都更能看見美好的事物"小男孩CJ與奶奶與往常一般,一起搭上公車前往市場街最後一站,,但這次在路途上,CJ感受到許多失望與不滿,例如為何他與他的家人無法像他的朋友們一樣開車,而只能搭公車?面對生活上的不平,CJ的奶奶溫柔地引領小男孩,去察覺與感受路途中存在的美好事物與趣味。
定價:384 元, 優惠價:79 303
Children of the World
作者:Nicola Edwards  出版社:360 Degrees  出版日:2022/05/24 裝訂:精裝
Young readers can discover what life is like for children all around the world as they explore everything from food to family, and even learn how to say hello in many different languages.Young readers can discover what life is like for children all around the world as they explore everything from food to family, and even learn how to say hello in many different languages. They will see where it’s polite to slurp your food and bad manners to give the thumbs-up sign. They’ll learn where children travel to school by cable car, and even discover who sleeps on an oven bed at night! This fascinating look at the lives of children around the globe gives an important insight into the many differences to celebrate in our diverse, beautiful world.
定價:630 元, 優惠價:79 498
Modern Tropical ― Houses in the Sun
作者:Byron Hawes; Oscar Riera Ojeda (EDT)  出版社:Rizzoli Intl Pubns  出版日:2018/06/05 裝訂:精裝
Warm, inviting, embracing the indoor-outdoor lifestyle with a touch of the exotic, tropical modern homes are a dream of paradise realized.Contemporary tropical residential architecture has risen from a geographically specific homegrown aesthetic to a source of inspiration for the world’s great modern architects and designers. Set in exotic locales, with pools, lush foliage, colorful gardens, these homes define a way of life. Frequently elegant and uncluttered, the houses serve as models of smart and beautiful design with lots of ideas for homeowners who do not necessarily live in a tropical or subtropical climate, but who wish to have something of that appeal and sensitivity in their own home.This book presents some of the most innovative interpretations of the genre from the past five years by internationally recognized architects and interior decorators, such as Tadao Ando, as well the work of young up-and-comers of great talent, including German-born, Bali-based Alexis Dornier, and
定價:1575 元, 優惠價:9 1418
作者:Michelle Chu  出版社:商周文化  出版日:2017/08/05 裝訂:平裝
★融入印度瑜伽、中醫經絡、佛家正念與內觀智慧,打開靈性療癒的大門。 ★首位完成內觀瑜伽創辦人莎拉.鮑爾斯(Sarah Powers)陰瑜伽全系列師訓的華人作者。 ★30個體式 + 五臟經絡解說 + 正念心法練習,華人界第一本陰瑜伽專書。 * 隨書附贈QR Code:1. 示範影片 2.正念靜心引導音檔 3.梵唱引導 正念陰瑜伽, 用陰柔臣服的練習方式,活絡經脈、培養正念, 在忙碌的生活節奏中, 創
定價:380 元, 優惠價:75 285
作者:平田雅子  出版社:商周文化  出版日:2020/02/06 裝訂:平裝
七天內有感!一生受用的肌膚保養學!只要「洗對臉」,就能一舉解決肌膚所有問題,擁有凍齡美肌不是夢!• 熱氣蒸臉,有助於毛孔清潔?• 空氣汙染這麼嚴重,每天一定要徹底清潔臉部才可以!• 為免肌膚老化,一定要定期去角質?• 不管擦什麼保養品,肌膚都還是很乾……• 不管怎麼照護肌膚,痘痘還是長不停!  
定價:280 元, 優惠價:75 210
作者:南雲吉則  出版社:商周文化  出版日:2017/04/08 裝訂:平裝
定價:320 元, 優惠價:75 240
作者:塔拉.威爾  出版社:商周文化  出版日:2023/05/09 裝訂:平裝
一場名為「鏡子凝視」的實驗,竟催化出多元豐富的內在覺察! 每當感到茫然、心煩意亂時,只要每天盯著鏡子兩分鐘,就會發生奇妙的轉變…… 《紐約時報》、《富比士》專欄介紹TEDx熱門點閱 ——What Mirror Meditation Can Teach YouAmazon、Goodreads讀者★★★★★好評 鏡子是面對生命挑戰時最有效的工具之一,因為它能讓我們誠實面對自己。而在鏡中看著自我的映射,是身為人類所能擁有最重要、同時也是最強大的工具之一。 在由本書作者主導的「鏡子凝視實驗」中,發現鏡子可以喚醒我們內在某些強烈的情感,除此之外,鏡子可能還有一些超乎想像的神奇妙用,有助於舒緩自我懷疑、自我物化、過度自戀、同理困難、情緒不穩……各種內在焦慮,除能改善自我內心,提高覺知力,還能由內而外,打造安適的身心狀態。  為什麼要透過鏡子練習覺察?自我批判常隱藏於內心深處,而對外貌的挑剔是最常見,同時也是最容易被察覺到的部分。因此在照鏡子、凝視鏡中自己的過程中,能夠更深入地觀察自己的感受,成為覺察一切思想和情緒立足點。  加深覺察力後會有什麼轉變?眼睛和臉部表情是人們共情的重點部位,透過鏡子看到自己,會增強自我同理和關懷,進而舒緩焦慮,在日常中有更好的工作表現與人際關係。 本書透過鏡子冥想,探討許多人類共有的內心活動:.人們如何看待我們?我們在他人眼中的形象,為何會成為焦慮的來源?.為什麼有些人討厭照鏡子,有些人又整天照個沒完?要如何理解這些行為背後的心理狀態?.鏡子能作為截肢後的復健訓練輔具,這是基於何種生理或心理機制? 本書每章節後都附有與該篇主題相應的練習,逐一練習,你將會--.如何透過鏡子練習自我對話,更了解深層自我。.雖無法將負面情緒一掃而空,但能更快從中恢復,不被情緒束縛。.增強自信。.更加同理自己,也能同理他人,進而改善人際關係。.放下對完美的追求,生活心態更加輕鬆。.學會以第三人的視角看待自己,不再受外界影響。 書中精華分享——. 自言自語有助於大腦運作,可以提高注意力和生產效率。. 在社群媒體上PO文並不斷關注按讚數的衝動,並非意味著你天生自戀,而是跟腦內多巴胺的釋放有關,而這種衝動可以有步驟地得到緩解。.
定價:420 元, 優惠價:75 315
作者:宝彩有菜  出版社:商周文化  出版日:2022/06/16 裝訂:平裝
迎接平靜,學習與自己獨處。隨時隨地,誰都做得來的冥想入門。日本知名冥想家獨創的「15分鐘輕冥想練習」,拭去腦中雜念,消除心靈倦怠感、釋放家庭工作壓力……讓你身、心、腦神清氣爽、煥然一新!Michelle Chu 《正念陰瑜伽》作者|RuRu(蔡佩茹) 專業瑜伽老師____聯合推薦冥想是「最簡易的頭腦整理術」,也是「最有效的身心充電法」!生活中,經常感覺心情煩躁、悶悶不樂或焦慮難安嗎?工作時,老是被繁瑣人事壓得肩膀沉重、嘴角下垂、眉頭緊鎖出皺紋來……付出超多時間心力,效率卻始終低落?只要透過15分鐘的輕冥想練習,進入「不思考任何事」的狀態,讓混沌雜亂的大腦獲得休息與恢復,隨即擁有身心放鬆、頭腦清晰的驚人改善!【冥想好處說不完】◆可安穩並優化心靈狀態.不再心煩意亂、鑽牛角尖、焦慮難安.變得笑口常開、個性開朗.煩惱減少了、抗壓性增強◆讓緊繃僵硬的身體放鬆.練習腹式&丹田呼吸,氣血循環變順暢.改善夜晚輾轉反側情況,舒心好眠.肩頸僵硬、腰背痠痛情況減少.體內臟器規律運作,消化吸收能力變強◆活化頭腦並強化各項功能.提升專注力、理解力,工作效率加倍.記憶力增強,學習能力跟著變好.判斷力&洞察力更加精準敏銳.企劃力、人際交涉各方面靈活展現◆本書為2015年出版之《開始冥想吧!:洗滌心靈,消除雜念,找回屬於你的美好生活》改版。
定價:350 元, 優惠價:75 262
作者:倪英渱  出版社:商周文化  出版日:2022/09/03 裝訂:平裝
真正的療癒,必須從身體和心靈同步解鎖!★專業帶領超過3,000名國內外華人學員★開設1,000多堂花晶療癒線上及現場課程澳洲花晶授權國際培訓導師親身體驗,引領改變生命的契機 李 蓉(亞洲權威身心靈導師、澳洲彩光花晶研發創辦人)林思伶(靜宜大學校長)李崇建(暢銷作家)關尚仁(華視前總經理、政大廣電所副教授)&各地學員實證分享好評強推 從身體作為療癒的入口, 練習和自己的內心和解……你有尚未療癒的創傷印記或反覆出現、不得其解的情緒糾結嗎? 澳洲花晶國際培訓導師暨「情緒花園」創辦人――小渱老師以個人親身經歷、豐富的療癒知識和臨床經驗,邀請大家從身體開始心靈療癒,從根源化解過去創傷印記與恐懼,重新活出專屬於自己的幸福生命力! 她溫暖引領,企盼每個人在接觸療癒、解鎖情緒印記的過程,都是朝向真相而非幻象,不是用靈性糖衣來美化自己的受傷,或以所謂正面思考來掩蓋內在真實存在的傷痕,因為被壓抑住的情緒,身體都知道!
定價:440 元, 優惠價:75 330
作者:羅伯特.傑克曼  出版社:商周文化  出版日:2023/08/10 裝訂:平裝
正視童年被凍結的情緒,找到療癒的起點心理治療師,透過練習與故事,帶你走出童年受困的隱藏情緒為什麼我的人生總是不斷犯同樣的錯誤?為什麼被愛這麼困難?為什麼一直和不對的人走在一起?與失落的內在小孩相遇,走出負傷迴圈,一同邁向幸福未來。 「回家」是什麼感覺?你會療癒那些阻礙我們好好生活的創傷或不實想法,感到更為自由、開放、真實。HEAL(Healing and embracing an authentic life)療法可幫助你:.理解為什麼受傷的人會找到其他受傷的人。.發現為什麼自己總是犯同樣的錯誤。.當受傷的內在小孩突然出現時,要如何與他合作。.設定健康的界限並感到更加自信。.恢復你的自愛、自信心和自尊。透過HEAL,你會找到回家的感覺。
定價:450 元, 優惠價:79 355
I Survived the Attack of the Grizzlies, 1967: A Graphic Novel (I Survived Graphic Novel #5)
作者:Lauren Tarshis  出版社:Graphix  出版日:2022/05/03 裝訂:平裝
改編自1967年冰川國家公園的灰熊之夜事件,暢銷讀本《I Survived》系列,圖像小說版新作。安全守則教你:不要轉身、不要做突然的動作驚動牠,以及最重要的,不要跑。但當Mel與一隻巨大灰熊面對面時,她真的有辦法化險為夷,逃出生天嗎?A gripping graphic novel adaptation of Lauren Tarshis's bestselling I Survived the Attack of the Grizzlies, 1967, with text adapted by Georgia Ball and art by Berat Pekmezci.No grizzly has ever killed a human in Glacier National Park before... until tonight. Eleven-year-old Melody Vega and her family come to Glacier every year. Mel loves it here ― the beautiful landscapes and wildlife make it easy to forget her real-world troubles. But this year is different. With Mom gone, every moment in the park is a reminder of the past.Then Mel comes face-to-face with a mighty grizzly. She knows basic bear safety: Don't turn your back. Don't make any sudden movements. And most importantly: Don't run.That last one is the hardest for Mel; she's been running from her problems all her life. If she wants to survive tonight, she'll have to find the courage to face her fear.Based on the r
定價:385 元, 優惠價:75 288
Magic Tree House #4: Pirates Past Noon (Graphic Novel)(平裝本)
作者:Mary Pope Osborne  出版社:Random Young  出版日:2022/09/27 裝訂:平裝
The #1 bestselling chapter book series is now a graphic novel! Magic. Mystery. Time-travel. Get whisked to the time of pirates with Jack and Annie!Captured by pirates! When Jack and Annie are whisked away in the magic tree house, they arrive on a beautiful beach. It’s paradise! That is, until the pirates arrive. . . The dreaded Cap’n Bones is looking for buried treasure. He thinks Jack and Annie know where it is. And he’s not letting them out of his sight until they find it! Sail back in time and around the world with Jack and Annie in Magic Tree House® graphic novels! The vibrant and energetic art of Kelly and Nichole Matthews perfectly captures the adventure, mystery, and magic of the original #1 New York Times bestselling series.For the first time in graphic novel--live the adventure again with new full-color art that brings the magic to life!Story Locale:The Caribbean in the time of pirates!Series Overview: Magic Tree House Graphic Novel Pub Plan:Summer 21: Dinosaurs Befo
定價:350 元, 優惠價:79 276
庫存 > 10
Pip and Posy: The Birthday Party (平裝本)(英國版)(附音檔QR Code)
作者:Camilla Reid; Axel Scheffler  出版社:Nosy Crow UK  出版日:2023/04/06 裝訂:平裝
Real-life stories with real heart!The much-acclaimed toddler book series by Camilla Reid and The Gruffalo illustrator, Axel Scheffler.Simple, engaging and funny stories which reflect the ups - and downs - of toddler life.Major new animation series launching on Milkshake and Sky in 2021Pip and Posy are best friends - they love to play, and make things, and have fun. But just occasionally they get cross or sad, and sometimes things go wrong that are beyond their control. And that's when kindness, sympathy - and resourcefulness - make everything better.In The Birthday Party, It's Posy's big day and she's delighted with Pip's present of a beautiful toy bus. The friends have fun with the bus, then play some energetic party games and, before long, it's time for the birthday tea. But just as Pip is carrying the magnificent birthday cake to the table, he trips over the bus and flies into the air - along with Posy's cake! All small children will enjoy finding out what happens next - and seeing
定價:439 元, 優惠價:75 329
庫存 > 10
Wand Books: Fairy Magic - use the wand to hear the sound (魔法音效書)
作者:Sam Taplin; Joanne Partis  出版社:Usborne UK  出版日:2023/11/09 裝訂:音效書
Touch the pictures with the wand in this unique novelty book to hear the magic spells that bring fairyland to life! Children will be amazed to discover their own magic powers as they use the wand to help the forest fairies solve their problems and get everything ready for the visit of the fairy queen. Beautiful artwork and glittering sounds create a world of enchanting surprises to explore.
定價:714 元, 優惠價:69 493
Little First Stickers Mermaids
作者:Hollie Bathie  出版社:Usborne UK  出版日:2020/01/09 裝訂:平裝
The perfect book for any child who dreams of being a mermaid! Children will love bringing the beautiful underwater scenes to life – decorating the palace, styling the mermaids in the lagoon and buryin
Usborne Day
定價:329 元, 優惠價:69 227
Why Do Things Die? (硬頁翻翻書)
作者:Katie Daynes  出版社:Usborne UK  出版日:2020/09/03 裝訂:硬頁書
A beautiful and gentle look at the circle of life, using Christine Pym's gorgeous animals characters to explore the emotions and facts around death, with questions such as Is it ok to talk about dying
Usborne Day
定價:549 元, 優惠價:69 378
庫存 > 10
Paint by Sticker Kids: Unicorns and Magic (貼紙書)
作者:Workman Publishing (COR)  出版社:Workman Pub Co  出版日:2019/04/16 裝訂:平裝
Paint by Sticker Kids has taken off! The four previous titles combined have 761,000 copies in print and are showing strong sales across a whole swath of retailers. Now introducing title number five, Paint by Sticker Kids: Unicorns and Magic, hitting the sweet spot of fantasy, this Paint by Sticker title includes everything kids need to create ten bright and colorful illustrations of some of their favorite fairy tale creatures and settings. There are two colorful unicorns (which happen to be among the very top toy trends of 2018), a friendly dragon, and a delicate fairy. There’s a mermaid swimming with a school of fish. There’s a beautiful princess, a wise old wizard, a misty tower, and that familiar setting for so many classic stories, a snug little cottage.Creating sticker art is pure fun and a nice change of pace from markers and crayons. Simply find the numbered sticker, peel it, place it in the right space, and little by little, a mesmerizing fantasy image comes to life in the mode
定價:348 元, 優惠價:79 274
庫存 > 10
The Perfect Place
作者:Matt de la Pena; Paola Escobar  出版社:Penguin Putnam Inc  出版日:2024/05/07 裝訂:精裝
From the Newbery Medal-winning author of Last Stop on Market Street comes this moving picture book about the perils of perfectionism.Lucas goes to the perfect school in the perfect neighborhood. But life at home is not so perfect. His dad’s old work truck stalls in front of the school. The electricity is out when he gets home, and he doesn’t even have time to show his mom his report (on which he received a perfect score) before she rushes off to her night job.That night, Lucas dreams of a strange light, which he follows down the fire escape, into the alleyway, clear out of his neighborhood, all the way to the place where the perfect people live. Everything there is more beautiful than he could have imagined. But is it possible things aren’t as perfect as they seem?This lyrical, richly illustrated picture book highlights the beauty to be found in even the humblest of homes and in a family that may not be materially rich but is rich in love.
定價:879 元, 優惠價:79 694
The Sutra of My Heart:Sending You a Song for Crossing the River
作者:洪啟嵩-圖 文  出版社:全佛文化  出版日:2024/05/03 裝訂:平裝
The Heart Sutra, in just 260 words, it is full of the ultimate wisdom of life. People of different eras, facing different changes, chaos, and sufferings, can find relief and peace from the Heart Sutra. This is the reason why the Heart Sutra transcends religions and regions and is widely recited by people from all walks of life. "The Sutra of My Heart-Sending you a Song for Crossing the River" is Master Hung Chi-Sung's interpretation from a never-seen-before perspective, and gives a fresh presentation of the Heart Sutra in the form of prose. Furthermore, he also provides a beautiful English translation of the classic Heart Sutra. This book combines text and painting. The paintings painted by the author in meditation are like the scenery along the river of life. All phenomena are constantly changing. They can be aggregated or decomposed. There is no "beginning" and no "ending". If we awaken to the emptiness of all existences, and are not controlled by the inertia of life, it is like waki
定價:800 元, 優惠價:79 632
Beautiful Life?
作者:Robyn Walensky  出版社:Createspace  出版日:2011/11/05 裝訂:平裝
In "Beautiful Life?" - The CSI Behind the Casey Anthony Trial & My Observations From Courtroom Seat #1, you will hear first-hand from the CSIs & Detectives at the Orange County Sheriff's Offic
定價:898 元, 優惠價:1 898
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