Play That Game: Let the business be your playground

Play That Game: Let the business be your playground


:NT$ 480 元
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The meaning of this book is hidden between its lines. At the first glance, you think that it is light reading on sports, then you are under the impression that you have a business manual in your hands. Finally, you understand that you are presented with a life philosophy. When you have finished reading it, you are left with the hope that this tormented civilization which recognizes materialistic value of things only, disregarding the actual one, hasn't wasted all the chances and that the optimism and the nobility of this text will find a fertile soil in which to grow and develop. Andric, Serbian Nobel prize winner, put it nicely, 'All the Drinas of this world are winding, and we cannot straighten each and every one of them. However, that doesn't mean that we should stop trying.'

Milos Todorovic, PhD

This book is for those who still have the thirst for progress in them, who haven't yet been swallowed by the snake king, who believe in empathy and love, who stargaze, and don't want to be owned and imprisoned in the golden cage. As Antoine de Saint-Exup廨y' Little Prince said to the rose, 'I will always love you' 'No', said the rose, 'One day I will wither and then no one will admire me' 'That's strange', answered Little Prince, 'If you were mine, I would love you even then.'

Dragan Milosevic, MD specialist, psychiatrist, psychotherapist

Bojan Mladenovic has written an excellent novel, even though he would never agree on the term novel. It brings the traits of 20th century American literature into our own. He speaks about business, its development in the modern world, and life philosophy through the prism of practical examples taken from the world of sport. You might not have given it a thought but a successful coach, manager or an athlete can be an example of a success in the world of business in which team spirit, motivation and risk management skills are highly valued.

Demystifying the world of business can be the key to success since some people cannot face the obstacles and challenges, which prevents them from making progress. Books such as this one can provide practical advice and strategies for overcoming such obstacles thus helping people to become successful in their endeavors.

Milos Grozdanovic, a writer







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