El que Ganó la Mano de la Hija del Rey: The Man Who Married the King's Daughter

El que Ganó la Mano de la Hija del Rey: The Man Who Married the King's Daughter


:NT$ 460 元
可得紅利積點:13 點


Este cuento es sobre tres hermanos: Pedro, el Cachaza; Pablo, el Sin-Gustos, y Santiaguillo, el Caviloso. Pedro era gordo, colorado, grandote y amigo de beber en abundancia y comer m嫳; Pablo era enclenque, flacucho de malas pulgas, aficionado a criticar y a no encontrar nada a su gusto. Santiaguillo era vivaracho, pizpireto, alegre y tan peque劖n, que casi cab燰 dentro de una bota de Pedro. Viv燰n contentos con su padre, pero como ya hab燰n crecido, su padre los reuni?para decirles que ya no pod燰 seguirlos manteniendo. Dijo que 幨 se estaba haciendo viejo y que los tres ten燰n que ir por el mundo y buscar su propia fortuna tal como 幨 lo hizo en su juventud. Los dos mayores, Pedro y Pablo, ten燰n dudas sobre qu?hacer para sobrevivir, ya que su padre hab燰 hecho todo por ellos. Santiaguillo, el menor de los tres y m嫳 peque隳 f疄icamente, estaba dispuesto a salir al mundo, y buscar aventuras y lograr su propia fortuna. Adem嫳, estaba entusiasmado por visitar a un rey que necesitaba ayuda donde muchos otros ya hab燰n fracasado. Si alguien lograba ayudarle le iba a pagar con tres sacos, llenos hasta arriba, con onzas de oro, y ese hombre podr燰 casarse con su hija, la princesa. El rey tambi幯 hab燰 dicho que, si alguien intentaba, pero no lograba hacer lo que 幨 ped燰, se le iban a cortar las orejas, y recibir燰 doscientos palos. Podr嫕 Santiaguillo y sus hermanos resolver el dilema del rey y recibir, o no, los regalos?

This story is about three brothers: Pedro, the Slow One; Pablo, the One Without Opinions; and Santiaguillo, the Thoughtful One. Pedro was fat, big, red in the face, drank in abundance and ate even more. Pablo was puny, skinny and short-tempered, and he never found anything that he liked. Santiaguillo was vivacious, cheerful, happy and so tiny that he almost fit in one of Pedro's boots. They lived happily with their father, but since they were already grown, their father announced to them that he no longer could continue to support them. He told them that he was getting old, and they should travel the world and find their fortune like he did in his youth. Pedro and Pablo, the two oldest siblings, were not sure what they had to do to survive since their father had fully supported them. Santiaguillo, the youngest in age and in size, was willing to go out into the world, find adventures and achieve his own fortune. In addition, he was excited to visit a king who needed help doing some things where many others had already failed. If anyone was able to help him, the King would give him 3 bags full of gold, and that man would marry his daughter, the princess. The King had also said that, if someone tried, but failed to do what he wanted, his ears would be cut off, and he would receive two hundred beatings with a stick. Will Santiaguillo and his brothers resolve the king's dilemma and receive, or not, his gifts?







定價:100 460



