El Rey y la Mariposa: The King and the Butterfly

El Rey y la Mariposa: The King and the Butterfly


:NT$ 420 元
可得紅利積點:12 點


The queen is missing, and the king is heartbroken. When the queen was in the palace, he would not pay attention to her. Now that she's not with him, he realizes how important she has been in his life. When this story begins, he's looking out into the horizon through one of the castle's windows. Suddenly a beautiful and colorful butterfly appears close to his face, and it seems that she is trying to give him a message. But at first, the king doesn't pay any attention, and makes a hand gesture to send the butterfly away, but she keeps coming back. Concerned for his missing wife, the king sends out an army to look for her, but they fail. When they return, one of the soldiers tells him that in their search for the queen they met a tiny elf who told them that if the king wanted the queen back, he would have to personally find and rescue her. The king then decides to follow the butterfly and, in his journey, encounters many natural obstacles. Finally, they enter a huge and dark cave where the queen is being held captive by a giant and ugly dragon.
Will the king save the queen and take her back home to the palace?
La reina ha desaparecido, y el rey est?desconsolado. Cuando estaba en el palacio, el rey no le prestaba atenci鏮, y ahora que no est?con 幨, se da cuenta de lo importante que ella ha sido en su vida. Cuando esta historia comienza, el rey est?viendo hacia el horizonte por una ventana del palacio sin saber qu?hacer. De repente se le aparece una bella y colorida mariposa cerca de la cara, y parece que quiere darle un mensaje. Pero, al principio el rey no le presta atenci鏮 y hace un movimiento con las manos para alejarla, pero la mariposa sigue insistiendo. Preocupado por el bienestar de su esposa, el rey manda un gran ej廨cito en busca de la reina, pero fracasan. Cuando regresan, uno de los soldados le informa que se encontraron con un diminuto duende que les dice que, si quiere encontrar a la reina, el rey mismo debe ir y rescatarla. En este momento el rey decide seguir a la mariposa y se encuentra con muchos obst塶ulos naturales hasta que llega a una enorme y oscura cueva vigilada por un gigante y horrible drag鏮 que ten燰 secuestrada a la reina.
Podr?el rey rescatar a la reina y volver con ella al palacio?







定價:100 420



