Let's Start Hooping! 50 Hula Hoop Workouts for Beginners and Advanced Hoopers: Perfect for Losing Weight and Shaping Your Body

Let's Start Hooping! 50 Hula Hoop Workouts for Beginners and Advanced Hoopers: Perfect for Losing Weight and Shaping Your Body


:NT$ 600 元
可得紅利積點:18 點


You've had enough of belly fat, cellulite and flabby arms?

You want to easily lose excess body fat and have tons of fun at the same time?

And all that without an expensive gym membership and with just one piece of equipment?

Then this book will help you out!

In this book you will learn how you can effectively train your entire body with only one Hula Hoop.

So a toned body, a better posture and a slimmer waist will not just remain a dream, but become reality. YOUR reality.

This is what you get:
  • 50 HULA HOOP WORKOUTS - 50 fun workouts will ensure that you never get bored with hooping and that you will always stay motivated.

  • FOR EVERY FITNESS LEVEL - Whether you're still a beginner or already an expert, this book has numerous workouts and exercises for every level of fitness. That way you won't be neither undertaxed nor overtaxed and you'll achieve optimal training results.

  • SPECIAL WORKOUTS - legs, bums&tums-special, arms-special, fat-burning-extra and many more! The special workouts allow you to target and improve the problem zones of your body.

  • INSTRUCTION FOR BEGINNERS - with the detailed step-by-step instruction you will master the basic movement in no time, even if start with no hooping-experience whatsoever. Also learn in this book what to look for when buying a hoop so you can avoid costly mistakes.

  • WELL EXPLAINED - Every single exercise is explained to you in detail and illustrated with numerous pictures. No more questions will remain unanswered.

Why Hula Hoop?
  • A JACK OF ALL TRADES - With a hoop and the right exercises you can define and strengthen your entire body. Abdomen, legs, booty and upper body - every body part can be trained.

  • ALWAYS READY - You can exercise immediately, whenever and wherever you want. This makes Hula Hoop perfect for busy moms and working people that have limited time!

  • HAPPINESS HORMONES - With Hula hoop a good mood is guaranteed. Take your hoop and forget the everyday hassles!

  • LOSE WEIGHT - Hooping tightens the skin and burns a lot of calories.

  • And much more!

Don't wait any longer and hoop yourself to your dream body. Click on "Buy now" and start your journey. Let's start hooping.







定價:100 600



