Safe in the Arms of Love

Safe in the Arms of Love


:NT$ 525 元
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Exquisite, timeless and soothing, Safe in the Arms of Love offers babies and parents a crucial resource of support during the precious months before and after birth. Lovingly and thoughtfully crafted by master sound healer Lisa Rafel, Emmy award-winning composer/producer Gary Malkin, and clinical psychologist Dr. David Surrenda, Safe in the Arms of Love enhances the bonding process that forms the foundation of a child’s healthy emotional and spiritual development. This CD/Giftbook reminds us that every child is a gift to be welcomed, supported, and embraced. It perfectly combines an audio sanctuary with essential information to awaken the deep, loving attention that helps babies thrive.


Lisa Rafel: Lisa Rafel creates songs and teaching programs to help people experience greater joy and connection. She is a teacher, sound healing” educator, song-writer and singer, as well as an internationally recognized spiritual teacher, author, poet, and recording artist with numerous CD’s.

Lisa founded Resonant Sounds, LLC to support the connection between new parents and their babies through the use of intentional music. She is dedicated to creating music, books and applications that support that intimate connection. Her understanding of psycho-acoustic principles and the importance of engaging music, combined with the power of intentional language comes from a long career in the theater arts, sound healing, poetry and the use of the voice. She writes her music from the heart of a loving mother and grandmother.

Lisa’s teaching is grounded in her deep understanding of the importance of conscious transitions and courageous compassion. Her Resonate With The Soul? programs include transformative and self-healing techniques using modern scientific principles mixed with practices from ancient and indigenous cultures. She teaches Sound Healing with the Voice programs for individuals and groups internationally and uses creative cross-disciplinary techniques in her work with adults and with children.

Lisa has two children and six grandchildren.

Gary Malkin: Gary Malkin is an Emmy award-winning composer, producer, performer, and public speaker dedicated to making a difference in the world by creating musical resources and events that inspire the heart and catalyze societal and individual healing. As the composer for numerous award-winning television and film projects for nearly thirty years, Gary is known for working on socially responsible media projects featuring themes such as the environment, tolerance, children’s welfare, cancer, and global healing.

Gary is passionate about the universal role music (and all the arts) can play as a catalyst for a more inclusive spirituality. He is the co-creator of the acclaimed CD/gift book, Graceful Passages, released by his life-enhancing media production company, Wisdom of the World, which offers aesthetic ways to directly experience the world’s known and unknown visionaries to help us face our life transitions with more mindfulness, presence, and compassion.

He has served as the Artistic Director for the Quest for Global Healing international conferences, (which featured Archbishop Desmond Tutu, among other Nobel Laureates) and performed on the stage of the Great Hall of China, featuring the power of music as a healing resource. An in-demand public speaker, he has presented at places such as Harvard’s Conference on Spirituality and Health, Scripps Clinic, and UCSF Medical School. Through everything he does, Gary is dedicated to using music and media as a resource to help us to deepen our lives with a greater connection to who we are and what matters most. He is the proud father of his daughter, Genevieve Rose, who, along with his ex-wife, Suzanne, has taught him everything he knows about what it means to serve and love another unconditionally.

David Surrenda: Dr. David Surrenda, a licensed clinical psychologist, has conducted executive level organizational consultation and coaching with business, government, education and health systems for 40 years. He has worked extensively with hospitals and national health systems to support innovations, solutions and new paradigmatic thinking.

Dr. Surrenda was the founder, Dean and curriculum director for the Graduate School of Holistic Studies at John F. Kennedy University for nine years. He crafted the first nationally accredited graduate program in Holistic Health Education, a forerunner to the current efforts in Integrative Health. He currently sits on the Boards of two health foundations (Fannie E. Rippel Foundation and the Bravewell Collaborative). These foundations are committed to th







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