After Liberalism? ― The Future of Liberalism in International Relations

After Liberalism? ― The Future of Liberalism in International Relations

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This edited collection addresses the state of liberalism in light of recent crises and shifts within the international system. As economic growth stagnates in the West, power is shifting away from liberalism's heartlands. Liberalism is under attack, both as explanatory theory and as normative prescription. Will liberalism be able to surmount the theoretical and real-world challenges it faces today?

In this volume, leading 21st-century thinkers provide their perspectives on the continuing role of the liberal paradigm, both as a theoretical approach to international relations, and as an ordering principle of international politics. The contributors examine liberalism's ability to function in view of its internal contradictions and the increasing complexity of a globalized world; assessing its future in view of the power shifts and political transformations in the international system and providing novel ways of thinking about liberalism's role, both in its practical workings and intellectual implications.

The range of international contributors to this volume include Jonathan Caverley, Philip G. Cerny, Michael Cox, Louise Fawcett, G. John Ikenberry, Beate Jahn, Charles A. Kupchan, Margot Light, Cornelia Navari, Nicholas Rengger, Christian Reus-Smit, Nabarun Roy, Frank Schimmelfennig, Brian C. Schmidt, Peter Trubowitz and Ren Xiao.


Rebekka Friedman currently teaches in the Foreign Service Programme at the University of Oxford, UK. She was an editor of Millennium: Journal of International Studies. Her research focuses on transitional justice, security and peace studies, and international institutions. She is currently working on a research project evaluating transitional justice in Sierra Leone.

Kevork Oskanian is currently a Visiting Lecturer at the University of Westminster, UK. A former editor of the Millennium: Journal of International Studies, he completed his PhD at the Department of International Relations, LSE, UK. His research interests include the politics of the Former Soviet Union, constructivism, the English School, regionalism, and state incoherence and he is currently engaged in a research project mapping the regional variations of the institutions of International Society.

Ramon Pacheco Pardo is a Lecturer in the Department of European and International Studies at King's College London, UK, as well as an Associate at the Lau China Institute and LSE IDEAS. He is a former editor of Millennium: Journal of International Studies and his recent publications have appeared in Asia Europe Journal, Journal of European Integration and East Asia. He is currently completing a book on North Korea's policy towards the United States.







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