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《紡織高等教育“十二五”部委級規劃教材 紡織服裝經濟與管理系列高等教材:紡織服裝外貿英語函電(第2版)》集國際貿易實務、英文函電和紡織服裝知識於一體,側重實例,與實際紡織服裝國際貿易業務緊密結合,通過大量的示範函電以及中文翻譯,使學習者通過實例舉一反三,學習符合規範的紡織服裝國際貿易英語函電。同時,《紡織高等教育“十二五”部委級規劃教材 紡織服裝經濟與管理系列高等教材:紡織服裝外貿英語函電(第2版)》總結歸納了國際經貿業務中常用術語、常用短語、句型結構和縮略語,每章附有習題及答案。《紡織高等教育“十二五”部委級規劃教材 紡織服裝經濟與管理系列高等教材:紡織服裝外貿英語函電(第2版)》實用性強,既可用作高等學校紡織服裝專業課教材,又可作為紡織服裝貿易從業人員的自學參考書。





紡織業在我國國民經濟中占有重要地位,是我國主要的創匯來源和主要的就業產業。據中國海關統計,2006年全國紡織品服裝進出口總額1620.6億美元,同比增長22.6%,占全國貨物貿易總額的9.2%。其中,出口總額1440億美元,同比增長25.2%,占全國貨物貿易出口的14.9%;進口總額181億美元,同比增長5.6%,占全國貨物貿易進口總額的2.3%。全年紡織業實現順差1 259億美元,同比增長28.6%,是全國貨物貿易總順差的70.9%。紡織工業同時也是我國在全球經濟體系中的相對優勢產業,紡織纖維制品加工總量和出口貿易額多年來均居世界第一。中國正從貿易大國逐漸向貿易強國轉變。本書是紡織高等教育“十二五”規劃教材,目的是培養適應紡織服裝國際貿易快速發展需求的、既掌握紡織服裝專業知識,又能熟練運用英語進行國際貿易的復合型人才。本書有如下特點:


Chapter One The Layout and Structure of a Business Letter /貿易函電格式與結構1 1 The Layout of a Business Letter 貿易函電格式1 2 The Structure of a Business Letter 貿易函電結構1 3 Principles of a Business Letter 貿易函電的寫作原則1 4 The Tendency of Business Letter-Writing 書寫外貿函電的趨向1 5 The Way to Master Letter-Writing Skills 掌握函電書寫技巧的方法Exercises 習題Chapter Two Establishing Business Relations 建立業務關係2 1 Introduction 內容簡介2 2 Writing Skills 寫作技巧2 3 Sample Letters & Notes 信函範例及其注釋2 4 Supplement 補充資料Exercises 習題Chapter Three Inquiry 詢盤3 1 Introduction 內容簡介3 2 Writing Skills 寫作技巧3 3 Sample Letters & Notes 信函範例及其注釋3 4 Supplement 補充資料Exercises 習題Chapter Four Offer 發盤4 1 Introduction 內容簡介4 2 Writing Skills 寫作技巧4 3 Sample Letters & Notes 信函範例及其注釋4 4 Supplement 補充資料Exercises 習題Chapter Five Counter-offers 還盤5 1 Introduction 內容簡介5 2 Writing Skills 寫作技巧5 3 Sample Letters & Notes 信函範例及其注釋5 4 Supplement 補充資料Exercises 習題Chapter Six Orders and Their Fulfillment 訂單及其執行6 1 Introduction 內容簡介6 2 Writing Skills 寫作技巧6 3 Sample Letters & Notes 信函範例及其注釋6 4 Supplement 補充資料Exercises 習題Chapter Seven Terms of Payment 付款條件7 1 Introduction 內容簡介7 2 Writing Skills 寫作技巧7 3 Sample Letters & Notes 信函範例及其注釋7 4 Supplement 補充資料Exercises 習題


1.1The Layout of a Business Letter/貿易函電格式
In current use there are two main patterns of layout in a business letter: the traditional indented style(縮進式,空格式)and the modern blocked style(垂直式,齊頭式).
The traditional indented style following traditional British practice takes in the first line of each paragraph in the body of the letter, five spaces for pica type and six for elite type.
The blocked style is quite common now. In the blocked style all typing lines including the date, inside name and address, the salutation, subject heading, complimentary close, and the writer’s designation or the title of office all should begin at the left-hand typing margin. And one line-spacing between paragraphs is recommended to give a letter clear appearance.
1.2The Structure of a Business Letter/貿易函電結構
The three important requirements of envelope addressing are accuracy, clearness, and good appearance.
Some suggestions about addressing an envelope are as follows:
(1)Type the name and the address of the receiver in the lower part of the envelope, beginning at least 1.5 inch from the top so as to leave ample space for stamps and postmark.
(2)Use your correspondent’s full address, including the Post Town followed by the country name and postcode; both should be typed in block capitals.
(3)Use double line-spacing, unless the address consists of more than four lines.
(4)Type your correspondent’s name exactly, and be sure to spell it correctly.
Letter-head should include the writer’s name and postal address, telephone number, fax number and E-mail address. Good quality paper and a neat, well-balanced letter-head contribute to enhance the prestige of the writer’s firm.
1.2.3Inside Name and Address/信封內名字和地址
The preferred position for the correspondent’s name and address is the upper left-hand side of sheet, three or more line-spacing below the line of the date.
Mr., Mrs., Miss, Ms., and Messrs are the ordinary courtesy titles used for addressing correspondents.
It is the usual practice to type inside name and address in blocked paragraph from the left-hand margin to give the letter a tidy appearance.
1.2.4The Salutation/稱謂
For ordinary business letters Dear Sir or Dear Madam (for both single and married women) is used for addressing one person, and Dear Sirs or Gentlemen for addressing two or more persons.
The salutation always appears on a line by itself for both indented style and blocked style, conventionally three line-spacing below the inside name and address, and followed by a comma for Dear Sirs and a colon for Gentlemen, e.g.
Dear Sirs,(英國常用)Gentlemen:(美國常用)
1.2.5The Body of the Letter/正文
This is the main part of the business letter. When writing, pay attention to the following:
(1)Strong opening(開門見山).
(2)Conciseness(簡潔), clearness(明了), accuracy(正確),courtesy(禮貌).
(3)Confining each paragraph to one topic.
(4)Typing correctly.
Double line-spacing may be adopted for very short letters, but the single line-spacing should always be used for the correspondent’s name and address. And appropriate margins are very important for an attractive and pleasing appearance letter.
1.2.6The Complimentary Close/結束語
The complimentary close is a polite way of ending a letter. There are different complimentary terms.
Yours faithfully is the standard closure for business letter.
Yours truly is being used in business, particularly in the United States.
Faithfully yours or Truly yours and Sincerely yours or Cordially yours (for personal letter the latter being common in the United States)are considered somewhat forced and artificial by some writers.
Whichever complimentary term is used, it must be typed in full. The first should be capitalized and a comma usually placed at the end, e.g.
Yours faithfully,(貿易函電標準用法)
Yours truly,(美國常用)
The complimentary close must never be separated from the body of a letter to a separate sheet.
If there are one more pages of a letter, the same quality paper must be used and typed with a heading to show:
(1)the number of the page (in the center of the page ).
(2)the name of your correspondent (on the left-hand side).
(3)the date of the letter (on the right-hand side ).
1.2.7The Signature/簽名
The signature is the signed name or mark of the person writing the letter or that of the firm he represents. Pay attention to the following:
(1)It is written in ink immediately below the complimentary close (never sign your letter with a rubber stamp).
(2)Five line-spacing will usually leave enough room for the writer’s signature. But it may be necessary to allow more if the signature is a bold one.
(3)The signature as written and the signature as typed must correspond exactly.
(4)The same style of one’s signature must always be kept as a distinguishing mark of the writer.
1.2.8The Others/其他 Attention Line/注意事項
“The attention line” is used to address to an organization to let it to be directed to a particular official or department. It should be typed two line-spacing above the salutation, underscored and except with the blocked style, centered over the body of the letter, e.g.
For the attention of Mr. Smith
Attention: Mr. Smith Subject Line/事由 heading/主標題
The main heading should be typed two line-spacing below the salutation, underscored and except with the blocked style, centered over the body of the letter. headings/分標題
The paragraph headings are often followed by a full stop, though some prefer a colon or even a dash.日期
The date should be typed three or four line-spacing below the letter-head.
In the indented style, though other placements are now accepted, the last figure often is placed to the right to serve as a guide for line-endings in the body of the letter.
The date should always be typed in full and never abbreviated. Never give the date in figure (e. g. 10/2/19.), it could easily be confused.
Whether commas or full stops are used in dates is accepted as a matter of taste, but the inclusion of a comma after the month with no full stop after the year is now customary, e.g.
24th March, 2006 (British style)
March 24, 2006 (America style) Enclosure/附件
If there is enclosure, it may be typed two line-spacing below the typed signature. The following are examples:
(1)Enclosure: Price list
(3)Enclosures 4
(4)Encl. As stated
1.3Principles of a Business Letter/貿易函電的寫作原則
Prepare every message with the reader in mind and try to put oneself in his place.Plan the best way to present the message for the reader to receive. Emphasize the You-attitude rather than I or We.
Adapt the language and message to the receiver’s needs. It is also better to focus on the positive rather than the negative approach.
Compare the following pairs of sentences:
I write to send my congratulations.
Congratulations to you on your promotion!
We won’t be able to send you the brochure this month.
We will send you the brochure next month.
Courtesy is not mere politeness. It stems from a sincere You-attitude. The courteous writer should be sincere and tactful, thoughtful and appreciative. Compare:
Your letter is not clear at all. I can’t understand it.
If I understand your letter correctly...(tactful)
Avoid irritating, offensive or belittling statements; if an apology is in order, make it graciously. For best results, and also as a matter of courtesy, answer letters promptly.
The writer must try to express himself clearly, so that the reader will understand. To achieve this, he should keep in mind the purpose of his letter and use appropriate words in correct sentence structures to convey his meaning. He should also avoid ambiguous sentences. Compare:
The L/C must reach us for arranging shipment not later than October 8.
The L/C must reach us not later than 8 October for arranging shipment.
They bought a bicycle in Beijing in a small shop which costs $25.00.
They bought a bicycle for $25.00 in a small shop in Beijing.
He was warned not to drink water even in a restaurant which had not been boiled.
He was warned not to drink water which had not been boiled.
To make his message clear, the writer must present it in well-constructed sentences and paragraphs, and include necessary transitional words or expressions to link them up.
Conciseness means saying things in the fewest possible words. A concise business letter should say things briefly but completely without losing clarity or courtesy. To achieve conciseness, try to avoid wordiness or redundancy.
(1)Shorten wordy expressions.
We have begun to export our machines to countries abroad.
We have begun to export our machines.
(2)Use words to replace phrase or clauses.
In the event that you speak to Mr. Wood in regard to production, ask him to give consideration to the delivery schedule.
If you speak to Mr. Wood about production, ask him to consider the delivery schedule.
We require furniture which is of the new type.
We require new type furniture.
(3)Avoid padded expressions.
It should be noted that this is the best we can do.
For your information we enclose a catalogue.
Please be advised that we have received your invoice.
Make the message specific, definite and vivid. Compare:
These brakes can stop a car within a short distance.
These Goodson power brakes can stop a 2-ton car within 24 feet.
A decision has been made to set up an office in Osaka.
The board of directors decided to set up an office in Osaka.
Various aspects of this equipment make it a good choice.
This machine is a good choice because it is more compact and less expensive than any other one on the market.
As applied to a business message, correctness means appropriate and grammatically correct language, factual information and accurate reliable figures.
Errors often occurred in business writing:
(1)With pronouns. Our competitors were more successful than ours (us).
(2)With adjective. The two first (first two)items are not available.
(3)With article. We are interested in same (the same).
(4)With verbs. Neither of the offers are (is)acceptable.
It is one of the machines that were (was)delivered last week.
A block of flats are (is)being built.
(5)With adverbs. We had quite a (a quite)successful meeting.
(6)With conjunctions. He not only built (built not only)houses, but also flats.
(7)With participles. While studying the report, the telephone rang. (insert “I was” between “while” and “studying”)
Special attention should also be paid to names of article, specifications, quantity, figures,units, etc.
A business communication should include all the necessary information. It is essential to check the message carefully before it is sent out.
1.4The Tendency of Business Letter-Writing/書寫外貿




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