【簡體曬書區】 單本79折,5本7折,活動好評延長至5/31,趕緊把握這一波!


定  價:NT$ 400 元









About the Translator:

C.K Ho is a practising surveyor and an Adjunct Associate Professor of the University of Hong Kong. His love for Chinses poetry prompted him to spend over three years of his spare time on the translation in a unique and daring attempt to fulfill a noble aim-to rhyme in English to the rhyme schemes of Chinese poetry. He is also n Olympian. He represented Hong kong in pistol shooting in the 1984 Los Angeles Olympic Games and 1990 Beijing Asian Games.


III Dedicated to My Mother Chan Sook Kai|獻給我的母親陳淑佳
X Preface|前言
XII Translator’s Preface|譯者前言

2 Cui Hao 崔顥|Yellow Crane Tower 黃鶴樓
4 Chen Tao 陳陶|On the West of the Long Mountain 隴西行
6 Jia Dao 賈島|Looking in Vain for a Recluse 尋隱者不遇
8 Li Bai 李白|Drinking Alone under the Moon 月下獨酌
10 | Farewell Party at Jinling 金陵酒肆留別
12 | Ascending the Phoenix Terrace at Jinling 登金陵鳳凰臺
14 | Seeing Meng Haoran off at Yellow Crane Tower 黃鶴樓送孟浩然之廣陵
16 | Lu Shan Waterfall 望廬山瀑布
17 | The Moon over the Mountain Pass 關山月
18 | Longing in Spring 春思
20 | Night Thoughts 夜思
21 | Midnight Song 子夜吳歌
22 | Farewell to a Friend 送友人
24 | For Meng Haoran 贈孟浩然
25 | Pure Serene Music (1) 清平調 雲想衣裳花想容
26 | Pure Serene Music (2) 清平調 一枝紅豔露凝香
27 | Pure Serene Music (3) 清平調 名花傾國兩相歡
28 | Sailing Down to Jiangling 白帝下江陵
30 | Farewell at Jing Mun 渡荊門送別
31 | Plaint 怨情
32 Du Fu 杜甫|The Prime Minister of Shu 蜀相
33 | Prospect of Spring 春望
34 | Untitled 絕句 江碧鳥逾白,山青花欲燃
35 | Thoughts on a Night Journey 旅夜書懷
36 | Arrival of a Guest 客至
37 | A Poem for Hua-Qing 贈花卿
38 | Untitled 絕句 兩個黃鸝鳴翠柳,一行白鷺上青天
39 | Climbing a Height 登高
40 | On a Moonlit Night 月夜
41 | Ascending the Yue Yang Tower 登岳陽樓
42 Zhang Ji 張繼|Mooring by the Maple Bridge at Night 楓橋夜泊
43 Liu Zongyuan 柳宗元|Snowy River 江雪
44 | An Old Fisherman 漁翁
45 Wang Wei 王維|Yearning 相思
46 | Thinking of My Brothers in Shandong on the Ninth Day of the Ninth Month 九月九日憶山東兄弟
47 | The Song of Wei City (Farewell to an Ambassador to the West) 渭城曲(送元二使安西)
48 | Autumn Night in a Mountain Lodge 山居秋暝
49 | Untitled 雜詩 君自故鄉來
50 | Farewell (1) 送別 山中相送罷
51 | Farewell (2) 送別 下馬飲君酒
52 | Bamboo Grove 竹里館
53 | Deer Enclosure 鹿柴
54 | An Envoy at the Frontier 使至塞上
55 Du Mu 杜牧|Red Cliff 赤壁
56 | Qing Ming Festival 清明
57 | Autumn Evening 秋夕
58 | Putting One’s Mind at Ease 遣懷
60 | Farewell (1) 贈別 娉娉裊裊十三餘
61 | Farewell (2) 贈別 多情卻似總無情
62 | Moored at Qinhuai 夜泊秦淮
63 | A Letter to Han Chuo, Prefect of Yangzhou 寄揚州韓綽判官
64 Zhao Xia 趙嘏|Reminiscence in a Tower 江樓感舊
65 Huang Chao 黃巢|Chrysanthemum 題菊花
66 Wang Zhihuan 王之渙|Beyond the Frontier 出塞
67 | Ascending the Stork Tower 登鸛雀樓
68 Liu Zhongyong 柳中庸|A Warrior’s Plaint 征人怨
69 Yu Xuanji 魚玄機|Sorrows by the West River 江陵愁望有寄
70 Wang Jian 王建|Thoughts at Mid-Autumn Festival Night 十五夜望月
71 | Woman Rock 望夫石
72 Cen Shen 岑參|Plaint of Spring 春怨
73 Li Shangyin 李商隱|Ascending the Leyou Plateau 登樂遊原
74 | Untitled (1) 無題 相見時難別亦難
75 | Untitled (2) 無題 昨夜星辰昨夜風
76 | Untitled (3) 無題 來是空言去絕蹤
77 | Untitled (4) 無題 重帷深下莫愁堂
78 | Chang E (Goddess of the Moon) 嫦娥
79 | A Letter to the North on a Rainy Night 夜雨寄北
80 | Because 為有
81 | Jade Pool ?池
82 Bai Juyi 白居易|Palace Plaint 宮詞
83 | Farewell on an Ancient Meadow 賦得古原草送別
84 Meng Jiao 孟郊|A Traveller’s Song 遊子吟
85 Zhang Hu 張祜|He Manzi 何滿子
86 Wei Zhuang 韋莊|Night Thoughts at Zhang Tai 章臺夜思
87 Meng Haoran 孟浩然|Dawn in Spring 春曉
88 | A Night on Tong Lu River Reminiscing about My Time in Guangling 宿桐廬江寄廣陵舊遊
89 | A Farewell Poem to Wang Wei 留別王維
90 | A Night by the Jian De River 宿建德江
91 Wei Yingwu 韋應物| A Letter to Li Dan Yuan Xi 寄李儋元鍚
92 | A Letter to Master Qiu in an Autumn Night 秋夜寄丘員外
93 | The West Brook in Chuzhou 滁州西澗
94 Luo Yin 羅隱| Bees 蜂
95 Liu Yuxi 劉禹鍚|The Black Coat Lane 烏衣巷
96 | The Shrine of the Founder of Shu 蜀先主廟
97 Jin Changxu 金昌緒| Pining in Spring 春怨
98 Li Yi 李益| River South Song 江南曲
99 | Ascending the City Walls Where Surrender Was Accepted 夜上受降城聞笛聲
100 | Expedition to the North 從軍北征
101 Wang Changling 王昌齡| A Soldier’s Song 從軍行 琵琶起舞換新聲
102 | Beyond the Frontier 出塞
103 | A Wife’s Lament 閨怨
104 | At the Frontier 塞下曲
106 Qin Taoyu 秦韜玉| A Girl of a Poor Family 貧女
107 Li Hua 李華| Spring Walk 春行即興
108 Du Qiuniang 杜秋孃|The Gold-threaded Gown 金縷曲
110 Xu Hun 許渾| Autumn at Tong Guan Courier Post on My Way to the Capital 秋日赴闕題潼關驛樓
112 Zhang Bi 張泌| For Someone 寄人
114 Han Hong 韓翃|The Cold Food Festival 寒食
116 Zhang Jiuling 張九齡| Ever Since You Left 自君之出矣
118 | Yearning Under the Moon 望月懷遠
119 Wang Han 王翰| Song of Liangzhou 涼州曲
120 Du Xunhe 杜荀鶴| Palace Plaint in Spring 春宮怨
122 Xi Biren 西鄙人|The Song of Ge Shu 哥舒歌
124 He Zhizhang 賀知章| Returning Home 回鄉偶書
125 Zhang Xu 張旭| Peach Blossom Creek 桃花溪
126 Lu Lun 盧綸| At the Frontier 塞下曲 (1) 月黑雁飛高
127 | At the Frontier 塞下曲 (2) 林草暗驚風
128 Anonymous 無名氏| Untitled 雜詩 近寒食雨草淒淒
129 Lady Xiangyi 湘驛女子|The Jade Fountain Stream 題玉泉溪
130 Dai Shulun 戴叔倫|The Temple of Qu Yuan 三閭廟
131 Quan Deyu 權德輿| Farewell on a Mountain Ridge 嶺上逢久別者又別
132 Cui Hu 崔護| At City South Manor 題都城南莊 去年今日此門中
133 Luo Binwang 駱賓王| A Cicada Outside the Prison 在獄詠蟬

136 Zhang Zhihe 張志和| A Fisherman’ s Song 漁歌子 西塞山前白鷺飛
137 Wen Tingyun 庭筠| Heavenly Divine 菩薩蠻 (1) 玉樓明月長相憶
138 | Heavenly Divine 菩薩蠻 (2) 水晶簾裏頗黎枕
139 | Dreaming of the South 夢江南 梳洗罷,獨倚望江樓
140 | Water Clock 更漏子 柳絲長,春雨細
141 Anonymous 無名氏| Viewing the River South 望江南 天上月,遙望似一團銀
142 Wei Zhuang 韋莊| Serene Music 清平樂 鶯啼殘月,繡閣香燈滅
143 | Heavenly Divine 菩薩蠻 (1) 紅樓別夜堪惆悵
144 | Heavenly Divine 菩薩蠻 (2) 勸君今夜須沉醉
145 | Heavenly Divine 菩薩蠻 (3) 人人盡說江南好
146 | A Distant Home 歸國遙 金翡翠,為我南飛傳我意
147 Niu Qiao 牛嶠| Resentment by the River 望江怨 東風急,惜別花時手頻執
148 Niu Xiji 牛希濟| Hawthorne 生查子 春山煙欲收
149 Feng Yansi 馮延巳|Three Terraces 三臺令 明月!明月!
150 Li Yu 李煜| Eternal Longing 長相思 雲一緺,玉一梭
152 | Fair Lady Yu 虞美人 春花秋月何時了
154 | Crows Cawing at Night 烏夜啼 (1) 林花謝了春紅
156 | Crows Cawing at Night 烏夜啼 (2) 無言獨上西樓
158 | Waves Washing Sands 浪淘沙 簾外雨潺潺
160 Lin Bu 林逋| Eternal Longing 長相思 吳山青,越山青
162 Fan Zhongyan 范仲淹| Waterbag Dance Sorrows of Separation 蘇幕遮 碧雲天,黃葉地
164 Yan Shu 晏殊| Serene Music 清平樂 紅牋小字,說盡平生意
166 | Sands at Silk-Washing Stream 浣溪沙 一曲新詞酒一杯
168 | Spring in a Jade Tower 玉樓春 燕鴻過後鶯歸去
170 Ouyang Xiu 歐陽修| Hawthorne 生查子 去年元夜時
172 | Spring in a Jade Tower 玉樓春 樽前擬把歸期說
174 Liu Yong 柳永| Phoenix on a Wutung Tree 鳳棲梧 ?倚危樓風細細
176 Yan Jidao 晏幾道| Partridge Weather 鷓鴣天 彩袖殷勤捧玉鍾
178 | Butterflies in Love with Flowers 蝶戀花 醉別西樓醒不記
180 Su Shi 蘇軾|The River Town 江城子 十年生死兩茫茫
182 Qin Guan 秦觀| Immortals on Magpie Bridge 鵲橋仙 纖雲弄巧,飛星傳恨
183 Li Zhiyi 李之儀| Song of Divination 卜算子 我住長江頭
184 Zhou Bangyan 周邦彥| Youthful Pleasure 少年遊 并刀如水,吳鹽勝雪
186 Li Qingzhao 李清照| Spring at Wuling 武陵春 風住塵香花已盡
188 Liu Kezhuang 劉克莊| Song of Divination 卜算子 片片蝶衣輕,點點猩紅少
189 Bai Juyi 白居易| Not Flowers Nor Mist 花非花 花非花,霧非霧
190 Lu You 陸游|The Voice of the Heart 訴衷情 當年萬里覓封侯
192 | Phoenix Hairpin 釵頭鳳 紅酥手,黃縢酒
195 Tang Wan 唐琬| Phoenix Hairpin 釵頭鳳 世情薄,人情惡
198 Xin Qiji 辛棄疾| Heavenly Divine 菩薩蠻 鬱孤臺下清江水
200 Bibliography 參考書目


Cui Hao (around 790)

Gone was the sage riding a yellow crane:
Nothing but the Yellow Crane Tower is to remain.
Never did the yellow crane return:
For a thousand years, white clouds waited in vain.
So vivid are the Yangtze and
the trees of Hanyang in the sun;
So lush the sweet grass on the Parrots Domain.
Where’s my hometown, now dusk is near?
On this misty river, sorrows reign.

崔顥 (大約790年)

Looking In Vain for a Recluse
Jia Dao (793 — 865)

A boy I asked beneath a pine tree.
“My master went gathering herbs”, replied he.
“Somewhere in this mountain,
Deep behind the clouds but
his whereabouts not known to me”.

賈島 (793 — 865)

Wang Changling (698 — 757)

Under the bright moon of Qin
and beyond the Gates of Han,
Ten thousand miles away,
warriors’ return nobody knows when.
If the Flying General
of Dragon City2 were here,
Never would the Tartar horsemen
be allowed to cross Yin Shan.

王昌齡 (698 — 757)





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