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《英語視聽說教程(新版)》作為一本英語通用標準教材,集基礎性與專業性為一體,適合大學生以及研究生作為視聽說或影視課程的教材使用。本教材的內容涵蓋六個篇章,即人文篇、青春篇、社會篇、虛幻篇、職場篇、寫實篇等。每個篇章由兩到三個單元組成,包括愛情片、音樂片、動畫片、喜劇片、恐怖片、戰爭片、西部片等廣泛的電影類型。每個單元都設置了類型豐富的練習及測試題,包括理解方面的Multiple Choice,Fill in the Table,Cloze,Matching Exercise,True or False等;表達方面的Debate,Discussion, Dubbing/Interpretation/Role -Play等。為保證語言的純正性,組織了英國、美國、澳大利亞等國的外籍專家參與編審。新版在第一版的基礎上,對課程的教與學、新片的推薦及精選臺詞背後的故事進行了進一步的補充和提升。希望本書能切實有效地提高學生用英語進行交流的能力,便利教師備課、授課和學生課後自學。
本書配有內容豐富的DVD - ROM光盤。.




New Movie Recommendations
1 People&Their Stories 人文篇
Unit 1 Biographies of Famous People 名人傳記
Section 1 My Left Foot: The Story of Christy Brown(我的左腳1989,Ireland/UK)
Section 2 The Queen(女王2006, UK/France/Italy)
Section 3 Amadeus(莫紮特傳1984, USA)
Section 4 King Arthur(亞瑟王2004,USA/Ireland/ UK)
Section 5 Patton(巴頓將軍1970,USA)
On Famous Directors(著名導演)
Unit 2 Love Stories愛情故事
Section 1 Shakespeare in Love(薩翁情史1998, USA/UK)
Section 2 Love Story(愛情故事1970,USA)
Section 3 Ghost(人鬼情未了1990,USA)
Section 4 Sense and Sensibility(理智與情感1995,USA/UK)
Section 5 Jane Eyre(簡愛1970,UK/USA)
On Film and Literature(電影與文學)

2 Youth&Innocence青春篇
Unit 3 Campus Life校園生活
Section 1 Scent of a Woman(聞香識女人1992,USA)
Section 2 Ice Princess(冰雪公主2005,USA/Canada)
Section 3 Dead Poets Society(死亡詩社1989,USA)
Section 4 Bring It On: All or Nothing(美少女拉拉隊2006, USA)
Section 5 Legally Blonde(律政俏佳人2001,USA)
On Movie Genres(電影分類)
Unit 4 Music and Musical音樂之聲
Section 1 Chicago(芝加哥2002, USA/Germany)
Section 2 The Sound of Music(音樂之聲1965,USA)
Section 3 Evita(貝隆夫人l996,USA)
Section 4 Ray(靈魂歌王2004,USA)
Section 5 Walk the Line(一往無前2005, USA/Germany)
On Film and Music(電影與音樂)
Unit 5 Animations動畫天地
Section 1 Chicken Run(小雞快跑2000, UK)
Section 2The Nightmare Before Christmas(聖誕夜驚魂1993, USA)
Section 3 When the Wind Blows(當風吹起時1986,UK)
Section 4 The Incredibles(超人總動員2004, USA)
Section 5 Toy Story(玩具總動員l995,USA)
On Walt Disney(迪斯尼)

3 Society&Culture社會篇
Unit 6 Society and Human Mind 社會心聲
Section 1 All the President's Men(水門事件,1976,USA)
Section 2 Citizen Kane(公民凱恩1941, USA)
Section 3 Shawshank Redemption(肖申克的救贖1994,USA)
Section 4 Forrest Gump(阿甘正傳1994, USA)
Section 5 Age of Innocence(純真年代1993, USA)
On Academy Awards(奧斯卡獎)
Unit 7 Cultural Differences文化差異
Section 1 Crash(撞車2004, USA/Germany)
Section 2 My Big Fat Greek Wedding(我的巨型希臘婚禮2002, USA/Canada)
Section 3 Lost in Translation(迷失東京/愛情,不用翻譯2003, USA/Japan)
Section 4 The Guasha Treatment/Gua Sha(刮痧2001,Cllina)
Section 5French Kiss(情定巴黎1995, UK/USA)
On International Film Festivals and Awards(國際電影節獎)

4 Mood&Imagination虛幻篇
5 Career&Profession職場篇
6 Background&Nature寫實篇
A Film Kaleidoscope-Fascinating Stories Behind the Line電影萬花筒——臺詞背後鮮為人知的故事
Appcnclix: Catchphrases from English Movies附錄:英語電影中的妙語金句、精彩對白
References & Websites參考文獻及網站.


Scent of a Woman (識女人 1992, USA) , directed by Martin Breast, leaves a legacy for people to treasure life. Foul-mouthed Frank Slade ( Al Pacino) , an irritable retired colonel, is blind and hires a poor college student Charlie Simms ( Chris O'Donnell) to take care of him
during the Thanksgiving holiday. Both of them have their own troubles. For the Colonel, he still can't find peace with himself and with the world, although he never complains about his blindness. He plans to enjoy his last Thanksgiving, to eat well, to stay with a beautiful woman,
before he commits suicide. For Charlie, he needs money to support his studies, but, much worse, he is to be expelled for the wrongdoing that he is not responsible for. Both of them feel being excluded, but gradually they learn about life and values through the other's experience.
Audiences would be impressed by Al Pacino's Oscar winning performance and his sarcastic " hoo-ha" .
Ice Princess (冰雪公主 2005, USA/Canada) , directed by Tim Fywell, is about a highschool physics 'geek' transforming into a figure skater. Casey Carlyle ( Michelle Trachtenberg) works on her summer project to apply physics in figure skating in order to get physics scholarship from Harvard. As she was involved, she finds a passion for skating and makes herself the subject.But just when she is in her fantasy of being a champion, she is set up by Tina ( Kim Cattrall) , the coach and the mother of her friend Gen, and loses the chance to go to regional competition. She is discouraged and almost gives up skating to pursue her overbearing mother's ( Joan Cusack) dream-Harvard. Somehow she finally realizes what she wants to go after in her life and takes on the challenge to compete for the real "Ice Princess". The movie is entertaining and inspiring. It's not just about digging one's potential or dreaming the impossible, but it also deals with motherdaughter
relationship as well as competing and sharing.




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