【簡體曬書區】 單本79折,5本7折,活動好評延長至5/31,趕緊把握這一波!


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第一章 山河舊貌 1942年日寇入侵前的騰沖古城全景 騰沖古城鬧市區 騰沖西郊全景圖 從來鳳山北看古城 英國駐騰沖領事館舊照 騰越海關舊照 和順水碓李劉氏百歲坊 大石巷腳李寸氏節孝坊 和順大石巷頭的寸尹氏節孝坊 和順雙虹節孝坊 和順雙虹橋節孝坊側面圖 1923年騰沖四寶街節日景象 騰沖小月城一角 和順雙虹橋剪影 大雨過後的綺羅文昌宮 文昌宮一隅 和順尹家巷閭門 和順洗衣亭 通向和順鄉的雙虹橋 和順涼亭 文星樓原貌 抗戰前的文筆塔 石頭山文筆塔 明代嘉靖二年間的水利碑 和順紹春公園大門 和順十字路小街子 和順幽靜的林間小道 和順圖書館館門 和順文昌宮朱衣閣 和順圖書館一角 華嚴寺校址 黌學大門 設在寸氏宗祠的和順中心小學 和順兩等小學堂 騰沖第一中學老大門 騰沖第一中學木結構大樓 歸鄉畫意 第二章 異域光影 ?拱私家車 緬甸抹谷玉石廠全景圖 玉石場用人海戰術抽水 人工搬運玉石 手語講價買賣玉石 翡翠大王合影 翡翠大王張寶廷 金質獎章 楊顯聲和他的夫人、女兒 楊顯聲與崇新會會友合影 楊顯聲全家福 民國十三年,和順兩等小學第八班畢業生合影 騰沖玉石商人及其家屬 馬上紳士 段盛才和他的寶馬 段家玉創始人——段盛才 會長神采 楊大鑫家族合照圖 楊大鑫和他的各國員工 男子坐相 20世紀初,穿洋裝在緬甸的騰沖人 青年照 “榮旋”前的合影 民國全家福 民國初和順“美興和”商號全家福 瞻仰白象的沙彌們 緬甸少婦 坐姿 緬裝少女 緬裝肖像 緬裝麗人 年輕母親和她的子女 劃皮筏的年輕人 緬甸華僑的“店聯會” 李本仁在緬甸玉石廠使用的轎車 李本仁夫人李容貫云 翡翠大王的緬甸?拱寓所 老電器 婚紗照 和順三代舊照 名車、美婦、小帥哥 中緬混血的三姊弟 第三章 歷史陳跡 彭冀、方涵、張文光、陳云龍、李學詩 張文光 辛亥騰越起義的主要領導人張文光遺屬 劉輔國的全家福 劉輔國 馬嘉理事件中的侵略者柏郎及其隨員 珍藏于騰沖的孫中山照片 艾思奇祖父李德潤 少年艾思奇 艾思奇父母 艾思奇與夫人王丹 艾思奇在西安 任教的艾思奇 艾思奇在中央人民廣播電臺演講 1958年9月到1959年6月艾思奇任河南開封 地委副書記(前排中)時和當地人士合影 在延安 民國元老李根源 李根源夫人 抗日縣長張問德 霍揆彰將軍 八·一三淞滬會戰爆發後蘇州社會名流到前線慰問 支持抗戰的義演女生 被毀的文星樓遺址 東門外的敵堡 騰沖古城東角的缺口 被毀的龍云銅像 督辦署殘跡 激戰後的李根源舊居 被損毀的英國領事館舊址 被毀壞的騰沖牌坊 光復後的騰沖街市 戰地前沿的中美軍事觀察人員 向犧牲者舉行告別儀式 反攻前線的美軍顧問 做好戰斗準備的戰士 正在前線戰斗的遠征軍 三位臨戰的戰士 五十三軍將領與美軍聯絡官研究分析敵情 中美雙方聯絡官 遠征軍架橋 強渡怒江的遠征軍將領 全軍追悼大會,在和順鄉曠地召開 陣亡的預備第二師第五團團長李頤 戰利品展覽會場和展出的部分戰利品 戰利品,炮管及彈藥 戰利品,不同型號的槍支 1943年,遠征軍行軍途中架設的浮橋 南齋公房中國軍隊進攻的畫面 侵騰日軍合影 日軍尸體,狼藉一片,侵略下場,惡有惡報 慰安婦尸體 被俘獲的日軍及慰安婦 少年時期的張德輝 騰沖東方醫院 上海東方醫院 外國傳教士的暫住證一 外國傳教士的暫住證二 外國傳教士的暫住證三 第四章 鄉土情趣 “南劉”先祖舊照 兄兄弟弟,媳媳婦婦 “西練”老人合影 拿煙管的老人 拿煙管的女性老人 騰沖一家人 父與子 在上海經商的騰沖人 在騰沖的旗袍一族 纏足的婦人 瓜皮帽、太師椅邊的小孩 戴八角帽的學生 女校的學生們 綺羅桂香社同仁 洞經樂隊 洞山桂香會會友慶祝元始天尊聖誕攝影紀念 1946年10月10日,和順中小學師生慶祝辛亥繭命勝利三十五周年合影 民國騰沖學校表演活動集錦 唱春戲 城關臺閣表演 夾道歡迎英模代表歸來 軍代表指導生產軍需品 援老人員 汽車夢 下班的工人 怯生生的笑臉 ?僳族男女青年互送信物 膽扎?僳族喝“同心酒” ?僳族女播音員 20世紀70年代的拔河比賽 走村串寨的?僳族衛生員 ?僳族繪畫愛好者 上刀桿 騰沖上演的《紅樓夢》舞臺劇照 話劇《孔雀膽》主要演員 《孔雀膽》演出劇照 凌空飛刺 野外文藝活動 ?僳族民兵保衛水電站 親人解放軍 捧“紅寶書”的?僳少年 傣族姑娘在河畔學習《雷鋒的故事》 民兵英雄蔡大雙在水利工地上 為?僳族同胞拍全家福 打谷場上學政治 釋放探空氣球 氣象觀測 地溫觀測 農業氣象觀測的工作人員 氣象專家和青少年 北京自行車隊過邊城 投籃 傳統馬術表演 柔術叼花 一票難求 少先隊員在游行 祖國的花朵 群舞 演出劇照 單杠練習 泳裝童照 自制自行車 笠帽太陽能燒水試驗 傣族衛生員講解衛生常識 大青樹下的開水站 認真工作的炊事人員 生產指標口號 召開群眾學習會 街頭宣傳隊 農村婦女在演講 農場勞動小憩 露天大課堂 民主投票 表決現場 雪山采藥隊 夫妻學習會 幸福家庭大食堂 小西下馬常公共食堂 古老的手工造紙工藝 手磨 杵臼 腳碓 檢驗機器零部件 技術交流 加工農業機械 鍛工 制磚工人 加工瓷碗 斗笠加工 手工搟壓餌絲 手工制藥場景 加工農具 制鞋檢驗 和順藤編 鋪設水泥管道 將廟宇改為臨時學校 制作科技模型 藤編師傅對學員進行指導 全國工藝美術藝人代表會議紀念章 老師傅帶新學員 技術交流 岫玉古鼎 翠玉雕《春播》 女藤編師 巧手小女孩 老當益壯 五姊妹試驗田 堆谷垛 紅花油茶喜獲豐收 鄉村小學上體育課 20世紀50年代末的托兒所 開心瞬間 會議代表合影 涉水 老人與花 兩代法官合影 後記


◎ 序二


● 作者為云南人民出版社編輯

◎ Preface II

Witnessing “If too poor, go to the foreign lands to seek your fortune, and if you want to make big money, go to the factories”
——A string of pearls by the road of history

From the late Qing dynasty until the Republic of China, another large migration occurred in China, along with associated great changes in societal formation. In order to support the family, or to make money, or to avoid wars and disasters, the people did not hesitate to cross over mountains and valleys and were not afraid of travelling overseas. They made up their minds and left their hometowns with tears and with hope. They left their aged parents, their beautiful wives, and their young children, and stepped out on long journeys, heading towards alien lands.
In China, we see Sichuan, Jiangsu, and Zhejiang people everywhere. And “venturing into Northeast China” and “expanding west out of Shanxi” were the greatest and the most beautiful life symphonies played by the men and women in the north of China.
The areas that Chinese people moved to and worked hard in to run businesses were not limited to China. There were the hastening figures of Fujian and Cantonese people who went to Europe and Southeast Asian countries.
Among these batches of migrants leaving their hometowns and moving about, the Tengchong people’s “Going to Foreign Lands” highlights the fact that modern and present-day Yunnan people did their best to get out of the basin, crossing valleys with a philosophy of unyielding spirit. Usually, people comment that the Yunnan people are closed-minded, conservative, traditional, and stubborn, but the migrations show it is not so.
In Tengchong’s folklore, “If too poor, go to the foreign lands to seek your fortune, and if you want to make big money, go to the factories” is a common saying that has been popular for about one hundred years. “If too poor, go to the foreign lands to seek your fortunes” means if you are too poor to make your living, then you chose Burma in Southeast Asia as your main destination to make a living and run a business. “If you want to make big money, go to the factories” means if you want to build up your family fortunes, then you go to the jade factories and the other mines in Burma to venture into the mining business.
These few words reveal the reality of the Tengchong people’s running businesses and surviving, and they form a condensed view of a whole century of life, which was full of complex, soul-stirring joys and sorrows, separations and reunions, stories of love, and many legends of thriving trade, both of the poorest and the richest.
The means of survival captured in these seven Chinese characters, “If too poor, go to the foreign lands to seek your fortune, and if you want to make big money, go to the factories” has changed the life conditions of thousands of Tengchong people, colored Tengchong brightly as an overseas Chinese county, made Tengchong a prominent trade culture county, promoted the Tengchong people’s wisdom and talents, and endowed Tengchong people with bravery and wits.
Today when we are appreciating the sentence, “If too poor, go to the foreign lands to seek your fortune, and if you want to make big money, go to the factories,” there may appear before our eyes a long, colorful, changing, and mysterious road, which will push us into researching and discovering the Yunnan-Burma road, exploring the historic sites, and knowing the brilliant and moving life stories that Tengchong people have left on this road, the courageous spirit of each one stepping into the breach as another falls.
So please read this book carefully. The chapters of this book consist of “old photos”. The oldest photos are about one to two hundred years old. Most of the photos were taken after the 1940s. These photos cover many subjects, but the photos relating to “If too poor, go to the foreign lands to seek your fortune, and if you want to make big money, go to the factories” are the most special and the most valuable.
We can interpret these photos as follows.
First, life is connected with walking. “People on a trip” symbolizes our life and is actually our true life. It is well known that Tengchong is located at an important point of the South Silk Road. Our ancestors had been walking on this road back and forth for many years. This branch of the Silk Road leads to Burma, crosses India, and then goes all over the world. It is always related to the dreams of exploring, creating, and seeking development, and also is related to the Chinese people’s willingness to make friends with people from all over the world. The Tengchong people’s saying, “If too poor, go to the foreign lands to seek your fortune, and if you want to make big money, go to the factories,” was a creation of the time of this old event of Chinese people journeying along the South Silk Road, and it has a long tradition of inheritance since then. Knowing this point makes us want to read about this phenomenon with a broad view and in greater detail.
Second, Tengchong is located at the border to Burma, which decides its geographic function in Southwest China. In ancient times, and in World War II against the Japanese, Tengchong was the most important and strategic frontier county. Today, it deserves to be called the bridge and gateway to the southwest. The photos of this book have cultural and historical source value from all points of view, because of the information they reveal and the old scenes and old customs they present.
In today’s times of reforming and opening up, and in Yunnan province’s bridge building and gateway strategy to the southwest, this book on Tengchong can be regarded as “The yellow flower in the battle field” (from Chairman Mao’s words).
Third, during those hard times of “going to foreign lands” and “going to the factories,” there were some lucky people with great wealth. Most of these people had experienced three stages of fate as “wanderer-entrepreneur-wealthy.” In other words, after they went from being normal people to become trade elites, their life conditions changed. Overseas experience broadened their horizons and their minds. Many of them had a sentimental attachment to their family, country, and the country people. They became social elites, feeling thankful to do good for the country people. They helped the poor, repaired roads, donated to set up schools, built houses to beautify their hometowns, sponsored the Democratic Revolution in China, or supported West Yunnan War again the Japanese. We won’t mention everything here. In a word, they embodied the main spirits of Tengchong, which are “do good, benefit the people, benefit the hometown, develop Yunnan, and revitalize the country”.
In all these old Tengchong photos, it is not difficult to find the profound meaning which is contained in the seemingly plain, smell the sweet fragrance in the plain flowers, and make out the multitude of colors from the colorless cultural remains.
I have thought all along that the tide of reformation, openness, and going out that has developed in the folk of modern and present Tengchong really has continued from the past and has never stopped, whether it has been clearly said or not. “If too poor, go to the foreign lands to seek your fortune, and if you want to make big money, go to the factories” is the best witness. If we regard the excellent photos from this book as pearls of culture, they can seen as strung along this historic road that has been walked for a hundred and a thousand years.

Humanity Readings Department of
Yunnan People’s Publishing House




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