The Miracle Mindset: Cancer is Defeated. I am healed!

The Miracle Mindset: Cancer is Defeated. I am healed!


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Perhaps you or someone you love has received a cancer diagnosis and it has knocked the wind out of your sails, possibly leaving you in the grip of fear and despair. Know that you can come out of fear and despair and rise up in hope and courage. Know that you can live in peace and joy, even with a cancer diagnosis. Having a "Miracle Mindset" is crucial in overcoming any obstacle.If you are faced with an affliction or addiction, there are tools to use that will help you get through the days ahead. In this book I share these invaluable tools that will help facilitate your healing. I want to first encourage you by simply saying: "Keep praying and believing. Be tenacious. Be relentless. Develop a miracle mindset, which is a resilient attitude that overcomes all hindrances or obstacles."There is a difference between facts and truth. The fact is that your prognosis may not be good. But the truth, according to the Scriptures is: "the prayer of faith will save the sick, and the Lord will raise him up." You might say, "I know people who prayed for healing and didn't receive it." I understand this and I have also prayed for people who died. Who are we to decide who lives and who dies? Our only responsibility is to pray and believe.From my initial diagnosis to my eventual healing, I was driven to dig deep into my emotional, physical, and spiritual reservoir to fully connect with the "Ultimate Healer" who lives within me: Jesus Christ. I chose to believe that God could and would heal me. Today I choose to believe that my healing is constant and is continually manifesting in my life. In the fight for my life, I made some conscious choices. I gave myself permission to spend less time with people who were negative. I dedicated more time to nurturing myself in hope, courage and strength each day. I soldiered through surgery by constantly encouraging myself with the word of God until I became cancer free. You too will have choices to make. While some may be more difficult than others, I encourage you to stand fast in your faith and choose to live.We are all different and "one size does not fit all" in terms of how we achieve our individual healing. However, there is one thing many cancer survivors have in common: we all have to work diligently at putting the pieces of our lives back together after our initial diagnosis. Surviving cancer begins the moment that you are diagnosed. It has changed the person I am. It has made me stronger, wiser, and a better person.







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