SAS Combat Vehicles 1942–1991

SAS Combat Vehicles 1942–1991


:NT$ 659 元
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The SAS, the world’s most famous special operations unit, made its name in the desert of North Africa, shooting up Axis airfields from specially modified Willys jeeps. Following the start of the El Alamein offensive in October 1942, the SAS use jeeps effectively in reconnoitring and ambushing the retreating Afrika Korps.

After the conclusion of the North African campaign, the Willys undergo several small but significant changes, including the introduction of the .303 Browning machine guns, a new Go Devil 60hp engine that increased the top speed to 65 mph and combat wheels to replace the original stamped and welded version. The first opportunity to road test the jeeps in Europe comes in September 1943 when Major Roy Farran eads five squadrons of 2SAS north from Taranto at the head of the Allied advance into Italy. Their mobility enables them to link up quickly with 1SAS at Termoli in October to help secure the eastern port in the face of a German counter-offensive.

Between June and October 1944 the SAS brigade operated deep inside Occupied France, harassing Germans reinforcements heading to Normandy, calling up air strikes on installations and carrying out reconnaissance missions. All this was made possible with jeeps dropped to them by the RAF, along with mechanics who serviced the vehicles, and also modified some so that wounded soldiers could be transported to Maquis hospitals. The jeeps were dropped in a protective cradle inside which they were mounted on a sub-frame with steel suspension cables attached to each wheel, which in turn were fixed in pairs to a traverse beam and to this was attached a ten-foot cable to which the parachute lines of four sixty-foot parachutes were secured. Among the most spectacular jeep operations during this period was an attack on a moving train, the mortaring of a synthetic oil factory and the destruction by one jeep of a convoy of four German trucks packed with soldiers.

Formed in March 1943, the Special Boat Squadron [SBS] fight an amphibious war in the Aegean for the first 18 months of their existence. But in September 1944 they are equipped with jeeps for the invasion of Greece. By now the Willys have undergone further improvements, including exterior handles for manual extrication from muddy terrain and, most significantly, the installation of a radio. Landing on the southern coast they move with such speed they seize the port of Patras before the Germans have time to destroy vital installations. Then, in the van of a battle group called Pompforce, the SBS chase the retreating Germans north towards the border with Yugoslavia, overpowering them in several skirmishes thanks to the jeeps' firepower

The jeeps used by the SAS in the push into Germany in the spring of 1945 had undergone several modifications in light of their experiences in France. Two half-moon armour plated glass windscreens had been fitted to protect the driver and front gunner. Every third jeep had a .5 Browning with a searchlight fitted to the barrel. There was also a smokescreen device installed at the rear and wireless communication was now standard. Transported across the Rhine in 'Buffalo' amphibious landing craft, the SAS are in the vanguard of the Allied advance and the agility, speed and firepower of the jeeps prove crucial in crushing fanatical pockets of Nazi resistance, many of them boys belonging to the Hitler Youth. Hidden in ditches and bushes, these youngsters attacked Allied armour with anti-tank weapons, but the presence of the jeeps and their gun crews very effectively neutralised this threat.

Reformed in 1947 and then reconstituted 22SAS in 1952, the regiment adopts the Series 1 Land Rover - introduced in 1948 - as the successor to the Willys jeep. A decade later the Regiment updates to the Series IIA 90 Land Rover, which sees service in the Oman and Aden, where its distinctive colour leads to the 'Pink Panther' nickname. The Vickers and .30 cal machine guns are replaced by GPMGs and Browning .50 heavy machine guns. In the 1970s the SAS begin using Range Rovers for covert operations while the Land Rover 110 HCPU became the SAS's new Desert Patrol Vehicle (DPV) in time for the 1991 Gulf War.







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