快炒•熱炒•辣炒 火熱上桌(中英對照)

快炒•熱炒•辣炒 火熱上桌(中英對照)

定  價:NT$ 320 元
可得紅利積點:8 點






程安琪 Angela Cheng 大學畢業後即跟隨母親傅培梅老師學習烹飪,至今已有30年烹飪教學經驗。主持電視烹飪教學節目多年,曾主持台視《傅培梅時間》、《美食大師》、太陽衛視《讀賣中國菜》、新加坡電視《名家廚房》、國寶衛視《國寶美食》等烹飪節目,現在也經常受邀在各美食節目中示範演出,親切認真的教學、仔細的解說,受到許多觀眾喜愛。
請客、好吃豆腐、涼麵與拌麵、蒸的清爽、廚房新鮮人Part 1 & 2、方便醬料輕鬆煮、好湯54、大蒜與洋蔥、餡料100──包起來的美味、一網打盡百味魚、香噴噴熱炒上菜、在家做醃菜&泡菜、無肉令人瘦、涼菜vs拌菜、培梅家常菜、美味台菜、精緻家常菜、創意家常菜、培梅食譜1~3冊、輕鬆上菜系列、廚房講義系列等四十餘本食譜書。

Under the guidance of her mother Pei Mei, Angela learned many principles and techniques of Chinese cooking and has herself become an expert chef. She has 30 years of experience in teaching Chinese cooking, and is a very popular cooking instructor now. Angela also had many TV programs for cooking demonstration. Angela has written more than 40 cook books, including works such as“Home Banquet”,“Delicious Tofu”,“Fish100”, “All About Meat”,“Easy Stir-fry”.


08作者的叮嚀 Angela’s Advice
11怎麼做辣菜? How to make spicy food?
14下飯不可少,辣味的來源 The source of hot taste
18醬料DIY,方便快炒,隨時輕鬆下鍋!自製辣椒醬 Homemade chili paste

24蘿蔔乾炒牛筋 Stir-fried Beef Tendon with Dried Turnip
26炒麻辣牛腱 Stir-fried Beef Shank
28蔥爆牛腱 Stir-fried Beef Shank with Green Onion
30夫妻肺片 Mixed Beef with Spices
32泡菜牛肉 Stir-fried Beef with Sichuan Pickles
34尖椒牛肉 Stir-fried Beef with Green Chilies
36沙茶牛肉 Stir-fried Beef with Sha-cha Sauce
38醃鮮椒炒牛肉 Stir-fried Beef with Pickled and Fresh Green Chilies
40黑胡椒牛柳 Stir-fried Beef with Black Pepper Sauce
42蘿蔔牛肉絲 Stir-fried Beef with Turnip
44韭黃牛肚絲 Stir-fried Beef Tripe with Yellow Leek
46香根牛肉絲 Stir-fried Beef with Cilantro
48椒麻牛肉丁 Spicy and Piquancy Beef with Celery
50粒滾粒 Stir-fried Dieces
52孜然羊肉 Stir-fried Lamb with Cumin

56臘肉炒豆乾 Stir-fried Preserved Pork with Dried Tofu
58沙茶小炒 Assorted Ingredients with Sha-Cha Sauce
60辣煸五花肉 Stir-fried Pork with Chilies
62辣炒辣 Spicy Spices
64辣拌耳絲 Pork Ear with Chili Sauce
66醬爆肉片 Pork with Hot Bean Paste
68水煮肉片 Boiled Pork with Spicy Sauce
70麻辣腰子 Stir-fried Pork Kidney
72辣炒回鍋肉 Spicy Double Cooked Pork
74蒜炒五花肉 Stir-fried Pork Belly with Green Garlic
76回鍋肉 Stir-fried Double Cooked Pork
78孜然肉片 Stir-fried Pork with Ziran
80紅油白肉 Pork Slices with Red Chili Sauce 
82九層塔香腸 Stir-fried Sausage with Basil
84泰式辣炒豬肉 Spicy Pork , Thai Style
86培根炒高麗 Bacon with Cabbage
88酸白菜肉片 Stir-fry Sliced pork with Sour Cabbage
90洋蔥梅花肉 Stir-fried Pork with Onion
92蒜苔炒臘肉 Stir-fried Preserved Salty Pork with Garlic Flower
94脆炒黃瓜肉片 Quick Stir-fried Pork Tenderloin
96咖哩洋蔥炒霜降豬肉 Pork and Onion with Curry Sauce
98翡翠椒釀肉 Stuffed Green Pepper with Pork
100梅菜肉末炒豆包 Tofu Pack with Fermented Cabbage
102豇豆芹菜炒肉末 Stir-fried Pork with Pickled Beans
104魚香肉末燒茄子 Eggplants with Yu-Xiang Meat Sauce
106炒四寶 Stir-fried Treasures
108桂竹肉末 Stir-fried Bamboo Shoot with Minced Pork
110蒼蠅頭 Stir-fried Leek Flower with Black Beans
112瓜丁肉末 Stir-fried Pork with Pickled Cucumber
114玉米肉末 Stir-fried Pork with Corn
116泡菜肉絲炒粉絲 Stir-fried Bean Noodles with Sichuan Pickles
118木耳小炒 Stir-fried Black Fungus with Spices
120肉絲炒雙脆 Pork Strings with Crispy Vegetables
122豆醬劍筍 Sword Bamboo Shoots with Bean Paste
124魚香肉絲 Stir-fried Pork Strings with Yu-hsiang Sauce
126梅菜肉絲 Pork Strings with Fermented Cabbage
128客家小炒 Stir-fry Squid Hakka Way
130炒炒肉 Stir-fry Chinese Cabbage
132芥蘭肉絲 Stir-fried Pork with Chinese Kale
134炒木須肉 Mu – Shu Pork
136味噌肉絲 Stir-fried Pork with Miso
138大頭菜炒肉絲 Pork Strings with Preserved Kale

142辣炒雞肉 Spicy Chicken
144酸辣木耳雞 Hot and Sour Chicken with Fungus
146泰式辣炒雞肉 Spicy Chicken, Thai Style
148生炒東安雞 Stir-fried Chicken, Dongan Style
150成都子雞 Stir-fried Chicken, Chengdu Style
152碎米雞丁 Diced Chicken with Peanuts
154辣子雞丁 Diced Chicken with Hot & Spicy Sauce
156豆醬雞絲 Chicken Shreds with Fermented Soybeans
158沙茶雞柳 Chicken Strips with Sha – Cha Sauce
160炒雞絲拉皮 Stir-fried Chicken Shreds Salad

164芹香魷魚 Stir-fried Squid with Celery
166筍拌鮮魷 Mixed Bamboo Shoot with Fresh Squid
168韓國泡菜鮮魷 Stir-fried Squid with Kimchi
170糖醋雙魷 Squid in Sweet & Sour Sauce
172生炒花枝 Stir-fried Cuttlefish
174炒魷魚絲 Stir-fried Squid Shreds
175炒胡椒蝦 Shrimps with Black Pepper
176泰式咖哩蝦 Curry Prawns, Thai Style
178百合絲瓜炒蝦球 Stir-fried Shrimps with Lily Bulb
180東陰功雙鮮 Shrimp and Squid with Tom-Yum Paste
182宮保鮮貝 Gong-Bao Scallops
184干貝菜脯 Dried Scallops with Dried Turnip
186水煮魚 Boiled Fish with Dried Chilies
188蒜炒鮭魚柳 Stir-fried Salmon with Green Garlic
190豆醬炒魚片 Stir-fried Fish with Soy Bean Paste
192辣炒蜆蛤 Stir-fried Clams with Spices
194宮保蟹腿肉 Crab Legs with Gong-Bao Sauce
196紅油海蜇 Jellyfish Salad
198蔭豉蚵 Stir-fried Oyster with fermented Beans
200碎碎香 Spicy Cubes
201香麻甜不辣 Tempura with Vegetables
202小魚苦瓜 Bitter Gourd with Spicy Sauce
204花生辣丁香 Spicy Peanuts with Dried Fish
206炒醬 Stir-fried Mixed

210酸辣田雞 Spicy and Sour Frogs
212回鍋蛋 Double Cooked Eggs
214蝦仁炒蛋 Stir-fried Eggs with Shrimp
216韭菜花炒皮蛋 Leek Flower with Thousand Years Egg
218麻婆水蛋 Steamed Egg with Ma-Po Sauce
220豉椒蛋豆腐 Stewed Egg Tofu with Spices
222麻辣臭 Spicy Stink Tofu
224酸辣臭豆腐 Stinky Tofu with Hot & Sour Sauce
226剝皮辣椒 Peeled Green Chilies
228豆乾辣椒炒小魚 Chilies with Dried Fish
230北方老虎醬 Vegetable Salad
232辣炒蘿蔔乾 Stir-fried Dried Turnip with Garlic
234辣炒年糕 Stir-fried Spicy Glutinous Rice Cake
236辣炒粗米粉 Stir-fried Rice Noodles
238XO醬與炒茭白 Stir-fried Bamboo shoot with XO Sauce
240XO醬炒蘿蔔糕 Stir-fried Turnip Cake with XO Sauce
242麻婆粉皮煲 Bean Sheets with Spicy Meat Sauce
244香麻涼粉 Mung Bean Rolls Salad
246麻醬粉皮 Mung Bean Sheet with Sesame Sauc
248雪菜肉末 Stir-fried Preserved Mustard Green with Minced Pork
250麻辣茄段 Stir-fried Eggplants with Spicy Sauce
252酸菜肚絲 Stir-fried Pork Tripe with Pickled Mustard
254乾煸四季豆 Stir-fried String Beans
256辣炒萵苣筍 Spicy Lettuce Stem
258脆炒土豆絲 Stir-fried Crispy Potato Shreds
260辣熗白花菜 Spicy Cauliflower
261辣烹銀芽 Spicy Bean Sprouts
262糖醋辣白菜 Sweet & Sour Cabbage with Spicy Sauce
264酸菜炒毛豆 Stir-fried Pickled mustard with Soybeans
266羅勒香蒜炒雙菇 Stir-fried Mushrooms with Garlic and Basil
268香菇炒胡瓜 Stir-fried Gourd with Shitake Mushroom
270油豆腐炒黃豆芽 Soybean Sprouts with Sour Cabbage
272蝦醬空心菜 Stir-fried Vegetable with Shrimp Paste
274開洋黃瓜排 Cucumber with Dried Shrimp Sauce
276素炒金針 Stir-fried Daylily Vegetarian Way
278豆醬炒過貓 Stir-fried Kao-Mou with Soybean Paste





優惠價:90 288



